
Retro games, abandonware, freeware and classic games for PC and Mac


GamesNostalgia Retro Games Blog

GamesNostalgia Blog: articles, reviews, tutorials, guides, stories about retro games, abandonware, classic games, game designers, interviews and the exciting history of computer games.

ManuAuthor : Manu
28 November 2020, 7:33 am

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How to play Win95 Games on macOS Catalina and Big Sur with DOSBox-X Emulator

As you know, we were using Wine to make old Windows 95 games playable on macOS. Many users have appreciated our wrappers for Hercules, Civilization II, Blood Omen, and several other games. The problem is, Apple removed support for 32-bit apps starting from macOS Catalina, so these wrappers don't work anymore if your OS is up-to-date.

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ManuAuthor : Manu
31 July 2020, 10:44 am

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Amiga Games July 2020 Update and the new WHDLoad section

This month we have a bunch of good news for Amiga lovers. Many Mac and Windows games are now updated with FS-UAE 3.0.5, the latest WHDLoad packs, adjusted configs, and more. Not to mention the new whdownload section.

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TashaAuthor : Tasha
23 June 2020, 2:04 pm

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Who in the world is Carmen Sandiego?

Who in the world is Carmen Sandiego? It's okay if you sang that in your head, I did too. It brings back memories of pursuing a felonious red-clad woman all around the world. Carmen Sandiego came onto the scene in 1985, making her debut in "Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?" The game was aimed at teaching geography in a fun and engaging way. The Carmen Sandiego series does an excellent job of making you forget that they are intended to be educational. They are also fun and challenging adventure games.

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TashaAuthor : Tasha
24 April 2020, 5:02 pm

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Tasha’s Top 20 Best Sega Genesis Games

Hello, and welcome to Tasha’s Top 20 Sega Genesis Games! Now, this is entirely opinion based, so try not to hate on me too hard if you dislike my picks or believe I missed a good one. Just drop me a comment on Twitter or Facebook and let me know what you would have liked to have on the list.

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ManuAuthor : Manu
25 March 2020, 2:13 pm

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GamesNostalgia during the Coronavirus Outbreak

As you know, the headquarter of GamesNostalgia is in Italy, so we have been hit hard by this emergency. Like many of you, we have been closed at home for a while now. We are not able to see friends and family, and we try to go out only to buy food. But our thoughts also go to you, our fans, supporters, readers, contributors, and friends all over the world.

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Tasha S. & Emanuele B.Author : Tasha S. & Emanuele B.
29 February 2020, 8:05 am

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Legendary Game Designers: Will Wright

Hooba noobie! Ayaw ko bobo siya! That, of course, means absolutely nothing, it's pure gibberish, Or should I say "simlish." Simlish is the familiar "language" that is used in the Sims series of games. Why am I talking about the sims and, worse yet, attempting to speak their language? That's because of Will Wright, the man behind the sims games. Everything from SimCity to every Sims game that followed. I grew up with the Sims games, and I always found the antics of those little sims to be hilarious, nonsensical, and often risque. I loved it. The very idea of making your own little person and playing God, if you want. But, I should probably backtrack somewhat if I'm going to do Mr. Wright any justice.

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