
Retro games, abandonware, freeware and classic games for PC and Mac


Drip WHDLoad Pack

Game Title:
Size:246038 bytes
Updated:2017-02-22 03:44:48


Short: HD Installer for Drip v1.0 Author: DJ Mike (, ICQ: 35028461 Uploader: DJ Mike ( Version: 1.0 Type: game/patch Requires: WHDLoad 15, 512k chip mem, Kickstart 1.3 image This patch applies to "Drip" (c) 1989 Art Skiles You will need the original game, available from Aminet at: game/misc/Drip.lha REQUIREMENTS: - Slave requires WHDLoad V15+. - Game requires 512k chip mem (+358k other memory for preload option) - An installed Kickstart 1.3 image (+256k of memory to load it) It be named "kick34005.A500" and located in "Devs:Kickstarts/" The image can be extracted from an A500 using a tool such as GrabKick (available from Aminet) You must also have the file "kick34005.A500.RTB" in the same directory as the image. This can be found on Aminet in the location "util/boot/skick343.lha" FEATURES: - Loads fully from HD - Game now runs at a sane speed on any processor - Access fault fixed - Highscore saves fixed to work under WHDLoad - You can now skip the mandatory wait after entering your name on the highscore table, by pressing the fire button - Trainer mode: Infinite Lives * Set CUSTOM1=1 in tooltypes to activate - 68020+ users may quit at any time (Default key: F10) (68000 users can still quit the regular way by pressing E at the menu screen) - Rom/New/Color Icons by Captain HIT HISTORY - v1.0 Original release A WORD FROM THE AUTHOR: My 10th install is a simple patch aimed at 020+ users, which finally allows everyone to play this extremely cool PD game at a sane speed! :-) This isn't so much of a deadly serious install - note that if you're on a 68000 processor the F10 quit ability is disabled because I didn't want to waste time reprogramming the game's keyboard routines just to enable it, because you can quit by pressing E anyway! (Press E during the game to quit to the menu, then E again to quit out) Greetings to Codetapper, Galahad, Wepl and the rest of the WHDLoad team! -- DJ Mike (3rd September 2002) Bug report form, full WHDLoad package and other installs: ________ ________ ________ ____ ________ ________ _) \_) \_) \_) \_) \_) \ __ ___ /___/ / /_____/\ / / / / / / / /_//__// \___ / / /CT\/ / / / / / / /___/ /___ / / /_____/___ /___/ /___ __ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____//__//_/ Visit the Action website for more of our productions: