
Retro games, abandonware, freeware and classic games for PC and Mac


Hell Bent WHDLoad Pack

Game Title:

Hell Bent

Size:141116 bytes
Updated:2017-02-23 03:21:24
Hell Bent


Short: HD-Installer for Hellbent / Novagen Software Author: Galahad of Fairlight ( Version: 1.0 Type: game/patch This patch applies to "Hellbent", ©1988 Novagen Software Supported Versions: 1 disk Original PAL release REQUIREMENTS: - Slave requires WHDLOAD V16+. - Game requires 0.5 MB Chip Mem (+ 0.4 MB other memory for preload option) - RawDIC is used for imaging FEATURES v1.0: - Full load from Hard drive as REAL files (Use FImp or Propack) - Copy Protection removed (MFM) - REAL files rip occurs first runtime - Button wait put in for titlescreen - Supports CAPS IPF (ID:1119) - Quit option is 'F10' Thanks to Killer Gorilla for suppling the original image Thanks to Frank for the nice icons EXTRA: Disk image was 944384 bytes in size, I decided to use rip the game as REAL files, and now when you pack the files, the entire game takes up only 113175 bytes, simply use FImp or Propack on any 'Galahad.0x' file. The conversion process for the image takes place the first time you boot the game up in WHDLoad, the first load is slightly slow, after that, any subsequent loads are much faster. The disk image will also be deleted to cleanup. Not much else to say, other than this was another install I had to completely redo due to hard drive failure! Regards, Galahad Bug report form, full WHDLoad package and other installs: END.

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