Tasha’s Top 20 Best Sega Genesis Games
My personal list of the Greatest Sega Genesis Games of All-Time
By: Tasha
Published: 24 April 2020, 5:02 pm
Hello, and welcome to Tasha’s Top 20 Sega Genesis Games! Now, this is entirely opinion based, so try not to hate on me too hard if you dislike my picks or believe I missed a good one. Just drop me a comment on Twitter or Facebook and let me know what you would have liked to have on the list.
15. Alien Soldier

In the distant year of 2015 (it was 1995 after all) on planet Sierra, war wages between humans and the genetic creatures they created. Now, I’m not gonna lie, the story is a tad confusing as you take on the role of a mutant birdman who is on a mission to take out his doppelganger. Epsilon, the birdman, can choose four weapons/powers to have control of while you play. However, those aren’t the only abilities he has at his disposal. Alien Soldier has nonstop, and there are plenty of explosions to satisfy your lust for destruction. The enemies are incredibly varied and require different strategies to defeat. This game is right up there with games like Contra for me. The action, the explosions, the wild enemies, what’s not to love?
14. Desert Strike: Return to the Gulf

Now, this is one of the few other games my dad and I could agree on. I was notoriously bad at it, but I loved it. The game takes place after the Gulf War and involves a threat from an evil general to start World War III. As the ace pilot that you are, you are sent on a mission to stop the general and his army while saving any stranded comrades that you find. Your goal is to fly around and blow shit up while carrying out different missions. You need to destroy turrets, warehouses, power plants, aircraft, tanks, and anything else that can help stop the enemy. Aside from snatching up lost POWs to refill your armor, you can also pick up fuel, ammo, and missiles to help keep you in the fight. Like many of the games on my list, I did enjoy this game for its destruction based missions, but I also liked the challenge. Sadly, I’m still a terrible pilot/driver in video games.
13. Gunstar Heroes

Coming out for the Genesis in 1993, Gunstar Heroes was the predecessor to Alien Soldier and from the same company. Taking control of the twins, Blue and/or Red, you are tasked with stopping the resurrection of a killer android. The twins have a host of weapons that can even be combined to create something new, giving you access to a wide range of firearms. The twins can also use their fists and feet as weapons. Keeping in line with my love of action and explosions, Gunstar Heroes floods the screen with enemies and features big boss battles. Smashing and blasting your way through enemies to stop evil and save the world, Gunstar Heroes is an excellent addition to any action lover's collection.
12. ToeJam & Earl

This funkadelic alien pair came onto the scene in 1991. My sister and I would spend hours playing this one co-op. Sadly, this one is missing from my collection, but still highly beloved by me. Hailing from the planet Funkotron, Toejam and Earl find themselves crashed on the planet Earth because Earl is a terrible driver. The only way to get off our crazy world is to explore and discover the missing pieces of their tricked out space ship. In this unique adventure game, whether you play as TJ or E, you gotta run around and collect random presents that are lying around all while avoiding the strange inhabitants of Earth. The gifts are openable and contain different items that can either help you or be totally useless. In the words of Forrest Gump, “You never know what you’re gonna get.” At least not until you’ve opened a few. TJ & E has one of the most enjoyable (at least in my opinion) game soundtracks, and if you have never played this one, it’s a blast from the past that should not be passed upon.
11. Thunder Force IV (aka Lightening Force: Quest for the Darkstar)

In this side-scrolling shoot-em-up, you are a pilot who has been trained to take out the Vios army that is threatening the Galaxy Federation. After losing the battle against the Vios, you are the Federation’s last hope for victory. The gameplay is reminiscent of R-Type and has you using a bevy of weapons to take out enemy ships and creatures. Powerups you can gain from destroying enemy vessels can be used to upgrade your ship with more potent weapons, extra guns, and shielding. This game is pretty fast-paced and features some beautiful backdrops, even by today’s standards, in my humble opinion. Enemies aren’t the only obstacles in your way, and you’ll have to pull off some precision flying to avoid self-destruction. I love shoot-em-up games, and this one is right up there with many of my favorites. It’s got all the weapons, explosions, and challenges that I love.