Dragon Power is a classic NES game released by Bandai in 1986 and developed by Tose. Originally based on the Japanese manga and anime series Dragon Ball, the game underwent signifi...
Year: 1986 Genre: Role Playing
action-adventure action-rpg anime jrpg licensed nes original game rpg top-downSexy Droids is a puzzle/strategy game with an erotic theme, created by Magic Bytes for Amiga and released for both DOS and Amiga in 1992. The concept is similar to Strip Poker, w...
adult amiga original game board game cyborgs science fictionCenterbase is a strategy and simulation game developed by reLINE and released in 1992, exclusively for the Amiga. The game, also known as Centerbase: Science-Fiction Simulation, w...
Year: 1992 Genre: Simulation
amiga original game management science fiction simulation strategyMad News is a business simulation created by Ikarion Software and released in 1994 for Amiga and MS-DOS. It's the unofficial sequel of Mad TV. In this simulation, available in Ge...
business simulation german only games management simulation strategyCalifornia Games II is a sports game created by Epyx. It was released in 1990 for MS-DOS and later ported to the Amiga, Atari ST, and other platforms. It's the sequel to the origin...
hotseat mini-games mixed sports multiplayer north america skateboarding sports surfingTubular Worlds is a side-scrolling horizontal shooter developed by Creative Game Design and published by Dongleware, released in 1994 as shareware. It was released for PC and Amiga models with AGA chipset.
2 players aga arcade h-scrolling shoot-em up shareware shooter side-scrollingBubsy in: Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind is a platformer created by Accolade for the SNES and SEGA Mega Drive/Genesis, released in 1993. The game features the adventures of Bubsy, a bobcat with a penchant for yarn balls.
Year: 1993 Genre: Platformer
cartoon hop and bop platformer side-scrollingTraps 'n' Treasures is a platform action-adventure game developed by Nightingale for the Amiga and published by Starbyte and Krisalis in 1993-94. TNT takes players on an exciting pirate adventure with Captain Jeremy Flynn.
Year: 1993 Genre: Platformer
action-adventure amiga original game pirates platform-adventure platformer side-scrollingDie Kathedrale (The Cathedral) is a German-only text adventure with graphics created by Weltenschmiede and published by Software 2000 in 1991. The game was released for PC and Amiga.
adventure german only games interactive fiction mystery text adventure with pictures text parser time travelShantae is a platformer for the Game Boy Color developed by WayForward and published in 2002 by Capcom. It was later re-released by WayForward itself. The game unfolds in the encha...
Year: 2002 Genre: Platformer
cartoon game boy color middle east pirates platformer side-scrollingLarrie and the Robbery of the Ardies is an arcade game created by Capital Software for the Amiga. It was published in 1988 by Kingsoft. The game, also known as Larrie & The Ardies,...
amiga original game clone coin-op conversion crime & punishment platformerEmmanuelle: A Game of Eroticism is a graphic adventure created by Tomahawk and published by Coktel Vision in 1989 for Amiga, MS-DOS, and Atari ST. The game, categorized as an adult...
adult adventure graphic adventure licensed novel underwaterThe Goonies is the video game adaptation of the famous 1985 film written by Steven Spielberg and directed by Richard Donner. Developed by Datasoft for 8-bit platforms, the game was...
Year: 1985 Genre: Platformer
2 players co-op licensed movies platformer puzzle platformer