Amiga Games July 2020 Update and the new WHDLoad section
Good news for Amiga lovers
By: GN Team
Published: 31 July 2020, 10:44 am
This month we have a bunch of good news for Amiga lovers. Many Mac and Windows games are now updated with FS-UAE 3.0.5, the latest WHDLoad packs, adjusted configs, and more. Not to mention the new whdownload section.
As you know, at GamesNostalgia, we have a soft spot for the Amiga and Amiga games. We love to keep all our game packages always updated, with the latest version of the emulators, the latest configuration, and so on. This way, both PC users and Mac users can have the best gaming experience. Of course, this costs a lot of time and effort. Even though we now have a lot of automatic systems to help us, this process still requires manual work. An example? Have you noticed that all games have a different icon in the Mac packages, similar to the original box of the game? Those icons have been selected and adequately cut one by one.
Anyway, to make it short, we made a nice amount of updates this month: more than 500 games packages were refreshed and updated with FS-UAE 3.0.5 and the latest WHDLoad pack (if you don't know what this is, continue reading).
We also took the chance to fix the configuration of the joysticks in many games. For example, in point-and-click adventures, the joystick is no longer emulated by default, which means the cursor keys will work as proper cursor keys - they won't try to emulate a joystick.

To see all the games that have new packages, you can always check the Games Last Updated page.
But this is not the only news this month. If you have been paying attention, you might have noticed that GamesNostalgia now has a new WHDownload section!
What? Don't you know what WHDLoad is?
WHDLoad is a way to run Amiga games from hard disk, even for games that did not originally support HD installation. Thanks to the fantastic work of the WHDLoad team, we can run those games, both on real Amigas and emulators, quickly and easily.
WHDLoad versions also have several improvements, such as bug fixes, copy protection removed, options to activate unlimited lives, and so on. That's why GamesNostalgia uses these wrappers to create our game packages. And every time there is a new version, we try to update it.

So, of course, the GamesNostalgia game wrappers are the quickest way to play those games because they are already configured; they include the game and the emulator. But not all Amiga games are hosted on GamesNostalgia (not yet, at least). So when you need a game that is not in our catalog, we suggest downloading the WHDownload version, which means the WHDLoad wrapper plus the game. These archives are available on the English Amiga Board FTP, but sometimes the server is slow or down for maintenance, that's why we decided to mirror on GamesNostalgia the Retroplay WHDLoad Games Packs, more than 3700 games! We are sure the Amiga community will appreciate a new source to download them.
But we did more than this. In the FTP server or other mirrors, you will only see the filename. In our WHDownload section, you will find a table with all the games available, plus a lot of info: the game title, the latest WHDLoad version, the file size, and the cross-reference to the corresponding link on HOL, Lemon Amiga, WHDLoad, and the GamesNostalgia game pages.
As far as we know, this is the most complete table of Amiga WHDLoad games that you can find on the Internet. Even if you don't use the files, there is a lot of info here. Check it out!
Long live the Amiga!