Fire & Ice: The daring adventures of Cool Coyote is a platformer created by Graftgold and published by Renegade Software in 1992. Initially released for the Amiga and Atari ST, later it was ported to MS-DOS, Acorn, and SEGA Master System.
Programmed and designed by Andrew Braybrook (Paradroid, Uridium) and Phil Williams, thanks to its cute graphics, great level design, and polished gameplay, it is recognized as one of the best platformers ever released for the Amiga. Like many jump-and-run games of the 90s, it is pretty unforgiving: difficulty level is challenging, but once you master it, it gives a lot of fun.
The game was voted Best Action Game in 1992 by Power Play and 2nd Best Action Game by the readers of Amiga Joker. Not bad.