Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings is a historical real-time strategy game created by Ensemble Studios. It was published by Microsoft in 1999 for Windows and Macintosh. As you can...
europe historical battle isometric medieval middle east real-time rts strategyAge of Empires is a historical real-time strategy game created by Ensemble Studios and published by Microsoft on October 15, 1997, for Windows. Later it was also published for Mac OS on August 22, 1998.
classical antiquity history isometric real-time rts strategy warCaesar III is a city-building historical sim created by Impression Games and published by Sierra in 1998. It's the third chapter of the popular series Caesar, created by David Lester.
business simulation city building classical antiquity europe history isometric management real-time roman strategyCivilization II: Test of Time is an enhanced version of Civilization II, created by MPS Labs and released in 1999 for PC. As we know, the first Sid Meier's Civilization, the turn...
4x history isometric strategy turn-based strategyDiablo is a famous "hack and slash" role-playing game created by Blizzard and released at the end of 1996 for Windows. Two years later, it was released to Macintosh. It is not only...
Year: 1996 Genre: Role Playing
action-rpg fantasy hack and slash isometric real-time rpgTransport Tycoon Deluxe (or TTD) is an improved version of Transport Tycoon, a business simulation game developed by Chris Sawyer. The game was published by MicroProse in 1995 for MS-DOS.
Year: 1995 Genre: Simulation
aviation business simulation isometric management naval real-time simulation train transportFIFA International Soccer is a soccer/football sim released by Electronic Arts in 1993 for the Sega Mega Drive. It was later ported to several other platforms. It's the prequel of ...
2 players football isometric licensed multiplayer soccer sportsDesert Strike: Return to the Gulf is an action-shooter helicopter game created by Electronic Arts and released in 1992 for the Mega Drive, Genesis, SNES and ported to Amiga in 1993.
birds-eye view genesis original game helicopter isometric middle east military multi-directional shooter warSyndicate is a cyberpunk isometric real-time tactical game from Bullfrog Productions created in 1993 and released for DOS and Amiga. It was later ported to Windows, Macintosh, 3DO and other platforms.
action strategy cyberpunk dystopia isometric real-time science fiction squad management strategySyndicate Wars is the second title in the Syndicate series, created by Bullfrog Productions in 1996. Syndicate Wars includes 60 missions spread through 30 different cities. In the ...
action strategy cyberpunk isometric real-time squad managementExperience the psychological horror of Sanitarium, the acclaimed point-and-click adventure by DreamForge Intertainment. Uncover the secrets of a deranged asylum as you navigate thr...
adventure graphic adventure horror isometric mystery point and clickAnno 1602: Creation of a New World is a construction, management, and business simulation developed by Max Design. It was published in 1998 by Sunflowers Interactive in Europe. In ...
business simulation city building isometric management naval real-time strategyFIFA Soccer 95 is a football game released by Electronic Arts in 1994 exclusively for the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive. It was when EA Games was a junior entering the gaming industry; n...
2 players football genesis original game isometric licensed soccer sportsLittle Big Adventure is an adventure game developed by Adeline Software and published by Electronic Arts in Europe. It was released by Activision under a different name in North America and Asia.
action-adventure dystopia humour isometric non-linear