Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas: The Pumpkin King is a platform game created by Tose for the Game Boy Advance and released in 2005.
The story told in the game precedes the events of Tim Burton's famous holiday horror film. Players will discover Jack Skellington's first encounter with Oogie Boogie and how the protagonist earned the title of "The Pumpkin King." Familiar characters include Jack's love interest, Sally, the zombie doll created by Dr. Finklestein.
The gameplay can be described as classic Metroidvania, featuring a non-linear exploration of various levels to solve puzzles and defeat enemies. Moreover, the game's horror theme emphasizes similarities with the classic Castlevania, although, in this case, it is suitable for children who enjoy the "Tim Burton" genre. Perhaps what is lacking is a bit of innovation; Tose's choices were not very daring, and it would have been interesting to introduce some new elements.
Overall, Nightmare Before Christmas: The Pumpkin King is a good game. While it may not go down in history as one of the best or most innovative platformers, it represents an excellent use of the film license. It offers an enjoyable platforming experience, drawing inspiration from a great success (Castlevania). It's a fantastic choice for spending the Christmas afternoon with a good retro game.
Oh, I almost forgot. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!