New Year, New Games and New GamesNostalgia!
By: GN Team
Published: 3 January 2017, 5:52 pm
Happy 2017 and thanks for all the support you have given to us in 2016. It's been an amazing year for us, considering that we started with 100k pviews per month and we ended up with 400k!

We receive your love and your feedbacks every day. We also receive donations, not with the same frequency, but they are growing. That's very cool! Thanks to this, we are still here to make you happy with retrogaming.
GamesNostalgia never stops, not even during holidays. Today we went live with some small but important changes. First, with almost 550 games online, it was important to improve the categorization. That's why we increased the genres to 12, adding Platformer, Beat-'em-up, Shooter and Puzzler, redistributing all the games (hard job, seriously!). Besides, we developed a new Game Browser that allows you to choose games based on Platform, Year and Developer. We really love it, give it a try!
We also made some aesthetic improvements, especially on the style of the images but also on some other elements. See if you can spot them.
Finally, the News section is now more like a blog. We plan to write a bit more this year, and possibly host some guest posts. If you want to write an article, you are welcome!
Much more is coming. In the meantime let us know your opinion and happy new year!