
Retro games, abandonware, freeware and classic games for PC and Mac


Best freeware games on GamesNostalgia

Freeware games are completely and officially free. They might have been free since the beginning, or in some cases, they are paid games that have been declared free by their creators. A game that is distributed as freeware can be freely distributed, downloaded, and played by anyone. It's forbidden to sell or ask users to pay for them. Freeware games are complete, unlike shareware games, which can be freely distributed but must be purchased to get the full content. In some cases, old titles are released for free to promote the release of a new game.

Some old classics like Adventureland and Mystery House are officially freeware, but also Beyond Castle Wolfenstein or the text adventure The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, like other Infocom titles. The old RPG Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar and the revolutionary cinematic platformer Prince of Persia are also free.

Factor5 also released three of their Amiga games for free: the space shooters Katakis and R-Type and the cute platformer B.C. Kid.

Revolution Software released some of their graphic adventures for free, such as Lure of the Temptress and Beneath A Steel Sky. Sports Interactive's football management game Championship Manager: 01/02 is freeware.

Some great strategy games are free, like Star Control II or The Patrician, as well as the famous RTS Command & Conquer.

Bethesda released two episodes of the Elder Scrolls series: The Elder Scrolls: Arena and The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall.

Finally, you can play for free the first iconic Grand Theft Auto by DMA/Rockstar North.

There are many other freeware games out there, the list changes often, so stay tuned.

Rise & Fall: Civilizations at War windowsdos

Rise and Fall: Civilizations at War is a historic real-time strategy game developed by Stainless Steel Studios and Midway Games and published in 2006. In 2008 a free version of the game was released supported by the US Air Force.

Year: 2006 Genre: Strategy

classical antiquity fantasy freeware historical battle history real-time strategy

DX-Ball windows

DX-Ball is a 'breakout' clone, based on the popular Amiga game Megaball, developed for Windows in 1996 by Michael P. Welch..

Year: 1996 Genre: Arcade

arcade breakout clone freeware paddle pong

Supaplex dosamiga

Supaplex is a puzzle game developed by Think!Ware Development and published by Digital Integration in 1991 for the Amiga and DOS. Despite the fact the name sounds like a wrestling...

Year: 1991 Genre: Arcade

amiga original game arcade boulder dash variants clone freeware puzzle strategy

UFO: Alien Invasion windows

UFO: Alien Invasion is an entirely free and open-source game inspired by the X-COM video game series. The year is 2084, and you control a secret organization tasked with defending Earth from an alien invasion.

Year: 2006 Genre: Strategy

aliens freeware science fiction strategy turn-based strategy

Stunt Rally windowsdos

Stunt Rally is a free racing game featuring 167 tracks in 34 sceneries, 19 cars + 4 vehicles and a Track Editor..

Year: 2014 Genre: Racing

3d freeware multiplayer off-roading racing

Super Star Trek 1978 meets 25th Anniversary mac-osxwindows

Super Star Trek 1978 meets 25th Anniversary is a fangame/remake of the famous text-only strategy game Super Star Trek. Unlike many other remakes of this strategy game, this one fea...

Year: 2023 Genre: Strategy

aliens enhanced remakes freeware science fiction space star trek strategy turn-based strategy wargame

Mario Forever windows

Mario Forever is a freeware clone/unofficial remake of the famous Super Mario Bros. It was created by Buziol Games, and it was released for Windows only in 2004. After many request...

Year: 2004 Genre: Platformer

clone enhanced remakes freeware platformer side-scrolling super mario clone

Ghosts 'N Goblins Remake windows

Ghosts 'n Goblins Remake is a freeware clone of the 1985 popular side-scrolling platforming game developed by Capcom for arcades..

Year: 2004 Genre: Arcade

arcade clone dark fantasy enhanced remakes freeware horror platformer side-scrolling sword and sorcery

Starcraft windowsmac-osx

StarCraft is one of the most influential real-time-strategy games ever created and one of the most important video games of all time. It was developed by Blizzard Entertainment, and it was initially released in 1998 for Windows.

Year: 1998 Genre: Strategy

aliens freeware real-time rts science fiction strategy

Command & Conquer dos

Command & Conquer is a real-time strategy game developed by Westwood Studios, and published by Virgin Interactive in 1995 for MS-DOS. Made by the same creators of Dune II: The Bat...

Year: 1995 Genre: Strategy

europe freeware real-time rts science fiction strategy war

Mario & Luigi dos

Mario & Luigi is a simple but very nice clone of Super Mario Bros developed by Mike Wiering in 1994. Controls are very simple: Ctrl to Run, Alt to Jump, Space to Fire, Left and Right arrows to walk.

Year: 2001 Genre: Platformer

clone freeware platformer super mario clone

Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun - Firestorm windows

Command and Conquer: Tiberian Sun is a real-time strategy game developed by Westwood Studios. Electronic Arts released it for Windows in 1999. The expansion Firestorm was released the following year and was declared freeware in 2010.

Year: 2000 Genre: Strategy

freeware mission real-time science fiction strategy

Death Rally dos

Death Rally is a top-down combat racing game developed by Remedy, published by Apogee, and distributed by GT Interactive Software. It was released in 1996 for MS-DOS, but in 2009 it was re-released for Windows as freeware.

Year: 1996 Genre: Racing

automobile combat racing freeware racing top-down

Skyroads dos

Skyroads is a remake of the driving game Kosmonaut. Both games were made by Bluemoon, a small studio based in Estonia. The game was released in 1993 for PC MS-DOS only. Compared t...

Year: 1993 Genre: Racing

freeware platformer racing science fiction track racing