GamesNostalgia during the Coronavirus Outbreak
Be Informed, Be Careful, Be Supportive and Play Games!
By: GN Team
Published: 25 March 2020, 2:13 pm
As you know, the headquarter of GamesNostalgia is in Italy, so we have been hit hard by this emergency. Like many of you, we have been closed at home for a while now. We are not able to see friends and family, and we try to go out only to buy food. But our thoughts also go to you, our fans, supporters, readers, contributors, and friends all over the world.
At the moment we are writing this, it seems that the contagion is slowing down in Italy, but in many other countries it's just starting. So you need to be careful and stay at home. Please do it!
Several websites and online services have started offering discounts or freebies during this emergency. Business can wait. By the way, we hope that Steam and GOG will do the same.
GamesNostalgia is already free, so what else can we do? We want to help, so this is what we are going to do:
First, GamesNostalgia does not stop. We will find a way to work on the website also during these difficult days.
Second, we will try to increase our support to all the people that cannot download or install or play a game. Normally we don't do technical support, but these are exceptional times. Contact us via email, twitter, facebook or discord.
Third - and this is a bold move - we will extend the limits of downloads per minute. Actually, we have already doubled them. This means that the annoying "download queue full" error - that many of you have experienced - should not happen anymore. Or at least, it should not happen so often. Doubling the number of files downloaded is very risky because the website could go down if there are too many downloads. We also risk reaching the limit of monthly traffic, which means we will have to pay more. So please, download responsibly. Download only the games you are going to play!
If you have other suggestions, let us know. We leave you with some recommendations from the World Health Organization. For more info go to the official page of the Covid-19 Advice fo Public.

Stay strong, take care, stay home, and wash your hands often. Most importantly, be kind and be supportive. Take care of your family, use videoconference tools if they are not with you.
And when you don't know what to do, play games! That's why GamesNostalgia was created in the end: to help you play your most beloved games and be happy.