Disney's Tarzan (also known as Tarzan Action Game) is a platformer created by Eurocom Developments and published by Disney in 1999. Released for PlayStation and Windows, later, it was also ported to Nintendo 64.
Following the tradition of Disney's Aladdin, The Lion King, and (partially) Disney's Hercules, the studio converted the popular animation film, released the same year, into a side-scrolling platformer. In this case, the novelty is that the graphics are in 3D, with filled polygons. But the 3D is purely aesthetic because the movement happens only in one direction (horizontal). Technically speaking, it is known as 2.5D graphics. If, on one side, the third dimension doesn't help the gameplay, it is helpful to create a more realistic environment and beautiful parallax scrolling.
The young Tarzan can jump, throw fruits at his enemies, slam the ground to reveal secret areas, and break objects. The difficulty level can be set to easy, medium, and hard, making this game perfect for kids and friendly for all audiences.
This is an old game, but since it was built for the 3Dfx Voodoo Glide card, you can make it work on Windows 7 and 10 using the Nglide wrapper. Install it first if you haven't done it yet.