Junior's Great Adventure is a free platformer for Amiga created by Diego Vivo (Amigamers) in 2022 and published as freeware.
Inspired by silent films from the early 20th century and set during the great depression, the game stands out for its sepia color palette and four-track soundtrack created by Zoltar Dr3amusic.
Developed under the Backbone engine, it consists of a total of ten levels in which we will have to meet different objectives throughout all of them to be able to overcome them, such as collecting a specific number of coins, a certain number of objects or simply finding the exit, which It will not always be accessible from the first moment, and it may be necessary to activate a switch before opening access before exit. In addition, each level has secret places where lives and scores are hidden. As if that were not enough, these levels are gaining complexity as we progress, having to use doors that will take us from one place to another. This means we will need more exploration in the most advanced ones. The enemies are very varied and will increase as we progress to nine different ones.