Loom is a point-and-click fantasy adventure created by LucasArts, released initially in 1990. One of the most popular titles using the SCUMM engine, like Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade and The Secret of Monkey Island.
The designer, Brian Moriarty, created something completely different compared to the previous LucasArts adventures. There is a complex story, the interface is not based on verbs, and the puzzles are not classical based on objects in the inventory.
The heart of Loom is the music. The protagonist, Bobbin Threadbare, can perform spells playing magical tunes with his staff. In the beginning, he knows only three notes (C, D, and E) and simple spells, but later, he will learn new notes, and he will understand how to play more tunes.
Loom is a fantastic game that every retro gamer should play. We strongly suggest you buy this game and possibly find the original package from some collector. The original version included a 30-minute drama on cassette, plus a beautiful manual—a real gem.
GamesNostalgia has packed for you the CD version, with 256 color graphics and voice-over, compressed to reduce size. Enjoy!