Contra Force is a run-and-gun platformer created by Konami and released exclusively for the NES in 1992 in North America only. This is the fifth game in the Contra series and the...
2 players nes original game platform-shooter shooterBatman: The Video Game is a platformer created by Sunsoft for the NES in 1989, right after the Batman movie by Tim Burton. It should not be confused with the Batman videogame creat...
Year: 1989 Genre: Platformer
licensed movies nes original game platformer side-scrolling superheroM.C. Kids (known as McDonald Land in Europe) is a 2D platformer sponsored by the famous fast-food company. The title was developed by Virgin Games originally for the NES in 1992, then ported to Amiga, Commodore 64, DOS, and Atari ST.
Year: 1992 Genre: Platformer
advergames jumper licensed nes original game platformer side-scrolling