
Retro games, abandonware, freeware and classic games for PC and Mac


GamesNostalgia Retro Games Blog

GamesNostalgia Blog: articles, reviews, tutorials, guides, stories about retro games, abandonware, classic games, game designers, interviews and the exciting history of computer games.

TashaAuthor : Tasha
2 March 2023, 3:38 pm

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Legendary Game Developers: id Software

Give a man a fish and you'll feed him for a day; teach a man to play Doom and you'll never get another day's work out of him. Doom Press Release 1993: "in 1993 we fully expect to be the number one cause of decreased productivity in businesses around the world."

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ManuAuthor : Manu
4 March 2022, 8:10 pm

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We stand with Ukraine!

What is happening in Ukraine is inhuman, incomprehensible, and unforgivable. Innocent civilians, including many children, have died and will die because a dictator decided to invade another country.

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TashaAuthor : Tasha
11 February 2022, 1:55 pm

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Legendary Game Designers: Damon Slye

Ah, the 80’s. It was a time of big hair and even bigger aspirations for one programmer. From the humble beginnings of befriending a local computer store owner in Eugene, Oregon, to taking over the world of simulations, contributing to an entire genre, and starting two successful game companies, Damon Slye has certainly made his mark on the gaming world.

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TashaAuthor : Tasha
11 October 2021, 6:58 pm

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Legendary Game Designers: Geoff Crammond

This is an updated and extended version of the article written by Tasha some time ago.

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TashaAuthor : Tasha
10 April 2021, 8:57 am

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Tasha's Top 20 Best NES Games of All Time

Welcome back to another installment of "Tasha's Top 20." As before, this is mainly opinion-based, so try not to get your knickers in a twist if I miss one of your favorites. Just let us know below and show them your love. This time I'm going to flip the list and run from bottom to top. So let's get started.

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ManuAuthor : Manu
26 February 2021, 12:56 pm

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February 2021: Amiga-Mac Wrappers bulk update

Six years ago, when we started GamesNostalgia, we decided to create game packages (aka wrappers) that anyone could quickly run, including users who never configured an emulator. Many of you appreciated the idea, and every day we still receive messages from people that are so grateful about this choice.

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