Winter Games is a sports simulation created by Epyx originally for the Commodore 64. It was published in 1985, as a sequel to Summer Games, the highly successful title based on the 1984's Olympic games.
c64 original game commodore 64 hotseat mixed sports multiplayer olympiad skating ski sports winter sportsDuck Tales: The Quest for Gold is a game based on the Disney animated series Duck Tales. Developed by Incredible Technologies, it was released in 1990 for Amiga, Apple II, Atari ST, Commodore 64, and MS-DOS.
action strategy action-adventure cartoon disney licensed mini-games multi-type tv seriesBalance of Power: The 1990 Edition is an enhanced version of Balance of Power, a strategy game developed by Chris Crawford originally for Macintosh in 1985. The new version was published five years later by Mindscape.
2 players cold war coverdisk map-based historical political strategy turn-based strategy warHarley-Davidson: The Road to Sturgis is a driving game officially licensed by Harley Davidson. The game was developed by Incredible Technologies and published by Mindscape in 1990 for PC, then ported to Amiga and Atari ST.
driving licensed motorcycle racing street racing vehicle simulator