Maniac Mansion is a memorable point-and-click graphic adventure created by LucasArts initially for the Commodore 64. Written by Ron Gilbert and Gary Winnick, it's the first adventure that uses the SCUMM game engine, conceived by Gilbert as a tool to create this type of games (the "MM" in SCUMM means "Maniac Mansion").
The success of the game made it possible several ports, including Apple II (1987), DOS, NES (1988), Amiga and Atari ST (1989). Maniac Mansion revolutionized the adventure game genre, thanks to its humor, non-linear story, and more straightforward gameplay: while traditional adventures were based on command parsing, Gilbert's adventure was based on the interaction between predefined verbs and objects found during the exploration.
As we know, LucasArts created many other great adventure games after that. Maniac Mansion was the title that started it all. It was followed by a sequel, Day of the Tentacle, in 1993. We also host a fan-made remake, Maniac Mansion Deluxe, created using Adventure Game Studio, that is the same game but with 256 colors VGA graphics.