Pitfall!, also known as Pitfall Harry's Jungle Adventure, is a legendary platformer designed and programmed by David Crane. It was released in 1982 for the Atari 2600.
In this game you are Pitfall Harry, a hero vaguely inspired to "Indiana Jones", that will have to explore a jungle in search for treasures. He will have to avoid several obstacles and hazards, including rolling logs, quicksand, pits (of course) and dangerous animals like scorpions and crocodiles. With the limited hardware of Atari 2600 David Crane made a sort of miracle to able to show multi-colored sprites and fluid animations, as well as 256 levels on 4K of RAM.
Pitfall! was the best-selling video game of 1982-83 and it won several awards, including Best Adventure Video Game of the year.
The game was ported to several other platforms including Commodore 64, MSX, Atari 800, ColecoVision and Intellivision. We offer you the original Atari 2600 as well as the Commodore 64 port (the only choice for Mac users, sorry).