
Retro games, abandonware, freeware and classic games for PC and Mac


Games by Year of Release: 1983

Choplifter! commodore-64sega-master-systemapple-iiatari-5200

Choplifter! is a helicopter simulator/action-adventure created by Dan Gorlin for the Apple II and published in 1982 by Brøderbund. The game was converted to Atari 8-bit, VIC-20, C...

Year: 1983 Genre: Arcade

apple 2 original game arcade cinematic h-scrolling shoot-em up helicopter military vehicular combat simulator

The Pharaoh's Curse atari-8-bit

The Pharaoh's Curse is a platformer developed by Steve Coleman originally for the Atari 400/800. It was published in 1983 by Synapse Software, who ported it also to Commodore 64 and VIC-20.

Year: 1983 Genre: Platformer

ancient egypt archaeology atari 8-bit flip-screen metroidvania platformer

Lode Runner commodore-64

Lode Runner is a puzzle platformer created by Douglas E. Smith and released initially for the Apple II, Commodore 64, Vic-20, and Atari 8-bit in 1983. It's one of the most popular video games ever created.

Year: 1983 Genre: Platformer

clear screen flip-screen level editor platformer puzzle strategy

Ultima II: The Revenge of the Enchantress doscommodore-64atari-8-bit

Ultima II: The Revenge of the Enchantress is the second role-playing game in the Ultima series. Released in 1982, it is the only Ultima game published by Sierra On-Line. After th...

Year: 1983 Genre: Role Playing

apple 2 original game fantasy rpg science fiction turn-based rpg

Battlezone dos

Battlezone is an arcade game created by Atari and released in 1980. It's the precursor of modern 3D first-person shooters (FPS), using wireframe vector graphics rather than raster graphics.

Year: 1983 Genre: Arcade

arcade coin-op conversion fps science fiction shooter tank vehicular combat simulator

Ultima dosatari-8-bit

Ultima (later renamed Ultima I: The First Age of Darkness), is the first game in the series of role-playing games created by Richard Garriott. The original Ultima was created for t...

Year: 1983 Genre: Role Playing

apple 2 original game fantasy rpg science fiction turn-based rpg

Pitfall! commodore-64atari-2600atari-5200

Pitfall!, also known as Pitfall Harry's Jungle Adventure, is a legendary platformer designed and programmed by David Crane. It was released in 1982 for the Atari 2600. In this ga...

Year: 1983 Genre: Platformer

atari 2600 flip-screen platformer