Bonk's Revenge (also known as PC Kid 2) is the second episode of the series of platformers created by Hudson Soft. The first game was called Bonk's Adventure or B.C. Kid. It's unclear why "BC Kid" became "PC Kid", or maybe the question is why we got a BC Kid from the Japanese name PC Genjin. They also say the original title is Pc Genjin - Pithecanthropus Computerurus. Who knows.
In any case, the predecessor was released for the TurboGrafx-16/PC Engine in 1989, but it was also ported to Amiga and NES. Instead, PC Kid 2, released in 1991, was a PC Engine exclusive.
PC Kid 2 is a colorful platformer, similar to the first episode. The mechanics are the same: Bonk can jump and hit enemies with his big head. He can also hit the ground to stun them. When he eats a piece of meat (I guess spicy beef), he acquires new powers and can freeze enemies. With another piece of meat, he will become invulnerable and has a fire breath. He can also use his teeth to climb walls, which is funny. Nothing new until here; what worked in the previous game wasn't changed.
What's changed in Bonk's Revenge is the level design. We have rivers and waterfalls that Bonk can climb like a salmon. We have glaciers, trains, underwater sections, and levels in space. There are many more animations compared to Bonk's Adventure, all of which are fantastic. It's like watching a Japanese cartoon. A sense of humor is always present, and the character design is excellent, making the game fun. Personally, believe me, or not, I prefer Bonk to Mario.
I loved B.C. Kid on the Amiga, and Bonk's Revenge is an even better game, probably the best episode of the three. If you have never played this one, it's time to do it!