Dragon's Lair is a famous cinematic video game created initially as a laserdisc in 1983 by Don Bluth and Rick Dyer. Several home computer adaptations were released during the 1980s...
action-adventure cartoon cinematic fantasy hand-drawn animations interactive movie laserdiscFreddi Fish 2: The Case of the Haunted Schoolhouse is an educational adventure created by Humongous Entertainment. It was released in 1996 for Macintosh and Windows. It's the sequel of the first Freddi Fish, released in 1994.
adventure cartoon educational graphic adventure hand-drawn animations humour scummCastle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse is a side-scrolling platformer developed by SEGA and released in 1990 for the Genesis/Mega Drive. It was also converted to 8-bit and ported to the SEGA Master System.
Year: 1990 Genre: Platformer
cartoon disney genesis original game hop and bop platformer side-scrollingDuck Tales: The Quest for Gold is a game based on the Disney animated series Duck Tales. Developed by Incredible Technologies, it was released in 1990 for Amiga, Apple II, Atari ST, Commodore 64, and MS-DOS.
action strategy action-adventure cartoon disney licensed mini-games multi-type tv seriesGobliins 2 is the second chapter in the series of adventure-puzzle games developed by Coktel Vision. Sierra On-Line released it in 1992 for the Amiga, Atari ST MS-DOS. Making a funny game is not an easy task.
adventure cartoon comedy fantasy graphic adventure humour point and clickZool: Ninja of the Nth Dimension is a fast-moving platformer originally produced for the Amiga in 1992 by Gremlin Graphics. The game, designed to be a competitor to Sonic the Hedgehog, supported the AGA chipset with 256 colors.
Year: 1992 Genre: Platformer
advergames aga amiga cd32 amiga original game cartoon ninja platform-shooter platformer side-scrollingBubba 'N' Stix is a platformer-puzzle game created by Core Design simultaneously for the SEGA Genesis and Amiga, including the CD32 version. The game, conceived by Simon Phipps, was released in 1994.
Year: 1994 Genre: Platformer
amiga cd32 cartoon hand-drawn animations multi-directional platformer puzzle platformer side-scrollingEarthworm Jim 2 for the Mega Drive is an action-platformer developed by Shiny Entertainment and published by Playmates Interactive in 1995. Serving as a sequel to the highly acclai...
Year: 1995 Genre: Platformer
cartoon comedy genesis original game hand-drawn animations platformer run and gun science fiction side-scrollingSpace Ace is the second laserdisc game created by Don Bluth, published at the end of 1983, less than 1 year after Dragon's Lair's huge success. The home computers conversions, for ...
action-adventure cartoon cinematic coin-op conversion hand-drawn animations interactive movie laserdisc science fictionLupo Alberto: The VideoGame is a platformer based on the Italian comics Lupo Alberto (Alberto the Wolf). It was created by Digiteam and Idea Software in 1990 for Amiga and Commodore 64.
Year: 1990 Genre: Platformer
2 players amiga original game cartoon comics jumper licensed platformer side-scrollingBubble and Squeak is a platformer created by Audiogenic Software for Amiga computers and Amiga CD32 and released in 1994. The game was also ported to the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive, with some small differences.
Year: 1994 Genre: Platformer
aga amiga original game cartoon jumper multi-directional platformerZool 2 is a platform game developed by Gremlin Graphics and released for Amiga and Amiga CD32 in 1993. Serving as a sequel to the original Zool, this game continues the adventures ...
Year: 1993 Genre: Platformer
advergames aga amiga cd32 amiga original game cartoon ninja platform-shooter platformerFury Of The Furries is a puzzle-platformer created by Atreid Concept and published by Mindscape in 1993 for the Amiga, PC, and Macintosh. The Gameboy and PC US versions were rebranded by Namco, replacing the furries with Pac Man.
Year: 1993 Genre: Platformer
cartoon character switch multi-directional puzzle platformer side-scrolling