Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings is a historical real-time strategy game created by Ensemble Studios. It was published by Microsoft in 1999 for Windows and Macintosh. As you can...
europe historical battle isometric medieval middle east real-time rts strategyPrince of Persia is a fantasy cinematic 2D platformer originally developed and published by Brøderbund and designed by Jordan Mechner. It was initially released in 1989 for the Apple II.
Year: 1990 Genre: Platformer
apple 2 original game cinematic middle east platformer puzzle platformerDisney's Aladdin, one of the most successful ports from a movie to a videogame, is a 2D side-scrolling platformer developed by Virgin Games. It is based on the 1992 Disney motion picture.
Year: 1994 Genre: Platformer
aga cartoon disney fairy tale genesis original game hand-drawn animations middle east movies platformer side-scrollingPrince of Persia 2: The Shadow and the Flame is the sequel to the original Prince of Persia. It was developed and published by Brøderbund Software and it was released in 1993. T...
Year: 1993 Genre: Platformer
cinematic fantasy middle east platformer puzzle platformerDesert Strike: Return to the Gulf is an action-shooter helicopter game created by Electronic Arts and released in 1992 for the Mega Drive, Genesis, SNES and ported to Amiga in 1993.
birds-eye view genesis original game helicopter isometric middle east military multi-directional shooter warCaesar II is a city building strategy game developed by Impressions Games and published by Sierra On-Line in 1995 for DOS and Windows. It was released for Mac in 1996. Starting in ...
business simulation city building classical antiquity construction simulation europe history management middle east real-time strategy4D Prince of Persia is an unofficial reworking of the original Prince of Persia game by Jordan Mechner. This remake was developed by Kirill A. Terebilov in 1994..
Year: 1994 Genre: Platformer
freeware middle east platformer puzzle platformer remakeCenturion: Defender of Rome is a strategy game developed by Bits of Magic and published by Electronic Arts. Initially released for PC in 1990, it was ported to Amiga and SEGA Genesis in 1991.
ancient egypt classical antiquity historical battle history map-based historical middle east roman strategy warF-19 Stealth Fighter is a combat jet simulator; it was developed and released by MicroProse in 1988 for PC DOS and in 1990 for the Amiga and Atari. The game is a remake of the 8-bit title called Project Stealth Fighter.
Year: 1990 Genre: Simulation
3d aviation cold war combat flight simulation flight sim middle east military simulation stealthSinbad and the Throne of the Falcon is an action-adventure published by Cinemaware initially in 1987 for the Amiga. The game was entirely created by Bill Williams, also known for the excellent Mind Walker, released one year before.
action-adventure amiga original game arabian fairy tale middle east mini-games mythology naval pirates reverse engineered unofficial portNight Hawk: F-117A Stealth Fighter 2.0 is the sequel of the combat flight simulator F-19 Stealth Fighter by MicroProse. Released for MS-DOS in 1991, it features 256-color VGA gra...
Year: 1993 Genre: Simulation
3d aviation combat flight simulation flight sim middle east simulation vehicular combat simulatorConflict: Middle East Political Simulator is a strategy game created by PSI Software. It was published by Virgin Mastertronic in 1990 for PC, Amiga, and Atari ST. In this original ...
Year: 1990 Genre: Simulation
cold war management middle east military simulation turn-based strategy wargameShantae is a platformer for the Game Boy Color developed by WayForward and published in 2002 by Capcom. It was later re-released by WayForward itself. The game unfolds in the encha...
Year: 2002 Genre: Platformer
cartoon game boy color middle east pirates platformer side-scrollingAl-Qadim: The Genie's Curse is an action RPG with adventure elements created by Cyberlore Studios. It was published by Strategic Simulations Inc in 1994 for MS-DOS. This is a game that made me very curious.
Year: 1994 Genre: Role Playing
action-rpg arabian d&d fantasy middle east rpg