Land Of Genesis is a platformer shoot'em up created by Maurizio Gemelli and published in 2001 by ClearWater Interactive. It was an exclusive for Amiga AGA and Amiga CD machines. M...
aga amiga original game platform-shooter science fictionAdvance Wars is a tactical turn-based strategy game that was first released on September 10, 2001, for the Game Boy Advance. Developed by Intelligent Systems and published by Nintendo, the game was designed by Kentaro Nishimura.
cartoon strategy tactics tank turn-based strategy versus warBruce Lee Remake is a 2001 remake for PC of a martial arts multi-screen platformer initially released for the Commodore 64 in 1984.
brawler freeware martial arts remakeMario & Luigi is a simple but very nice clone of Super Mario Bros developed by Mike Wiering in 1994. Controls are very simple: Ctrl to Run, Alt to Jump, Space to Fire, Left and Right arrows to walk.
Year: 2001 Genre: Platformer
clone freeware platformer super mario clone