Joe & Mac: Caveman Ninja ("ikusae genshizin" in the original title) is an arcade created by Data East and released initially in 1991. It was then ported to several home platforms, ...
Year: 1992 Genre: Platformer
2 players caveman coin-op conversion dinosaurs platformer prehistoric side-scrollingMidnight Resistance is a popular platformer/shooter created by Data East and released initially as an arcade in 1989. It was later ported to several home computer platforms, includ...
2 players arcade co-op coin-op conversion cyberpunk platform-shooter run and gun shooterBurgerTime is the first Commodore 64 game added to GamesNostalgia. It is an arcade game created by Data East in 1982 and later ported to several 8-bit platforms, including the Commodore 64 in 1984.
arcade coin-op conversion commodore 64 platformer