
Retro games, abandonware, freeware and classic games for PC and Mac


Best run and gun shooters on GamesNostalgia

Jazz Jackrabbit dos

Jazz Jackrabbit is a popular side-scrolling shooter/platformer developed by Epic MegaGames and released in 1994 for the PC. The game was named Arcade Game of the Year by PC Format.

Year: 1994 Genre: Shooter

cartoon platform-shooter run and gun

Contra nesmsx

Contra is a run-and-gun style platformer developed by Konami and published by Erbe Software in 1987. It was released in arcades and on ZX Spectrum and Amstrad PC to start with. The...

Year: 1988 Genre: Shooter

2 players coin-op conversion platform-shooter run and gun science fiction shooter south america

Turrican II commodore-64amiga

Turrican II: The Final Fight is a run-and-gun game developed by Factor 5 and published by Rainbow Arts in 1991. The first version, designed by Manfred Trenz and Andreas Escher, was...

Year: 1991 Genre: Shooter

c64 original game commodore 64 cyborgs platform-shooter run and gun science fiction shooter walkabout

Turrican 3 amigagenesis

Turrican 3 is a sci-fi platformer/shooter that was initially developed by Factor 5 for the SEGA Mega Drive/Genesis under the name Mega Turrican. It was later ported to Amiga in 1993 as a sequel to Turrican and Turrican II.

Year: 1993 Genre: Shooter

genesis original game platform-shooter run and gun science fiction shooter walkabout

Duke Nukem II dos

Duke Nukem II is the second game in the Duke Nukem franchise and was developed and published by Apogee Software for DOS in 1993. It has since been ported to multiple other platforms.

Year: 1993 Genre: Shooter

platform-shooter run and gun science fiction shooter

Toki amiga

Toki is a platformer arcade created by TAD Corporation and originally released in 1989. Two years later, it was ported to several home computer platforms. I'm not going to lie. Until recently, I had never played Toki.

Year: 1991 Genre: Arcade

arcade coin-op conversion hop and bop platform-shooter platformer run and gun

Earthworm Jim genesis

Earthworm Jim is a 2D shooter/platformer created by Shiny Entertainment originally for the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis and published in 1994. The game design and the creation of the ch...

Year: 1994 Genre: Platformer

comedy genesis original game hand-drawn animations platform-shooter platformer run and gun side-scrolling

Alien Carnage dos

Alien Carnage is a side-scrolling shooter created by Interactive Binary Illusions and SubZero Software, published by Apogee in 1993 for MS-DOS. The game was released as freeware in 2007.

Year: 1993 Genre: Shooter

horror platform-shooter run and gun shooter

Turrican 2 AGA amiga

Turrican 2 AGA is a free, unofficial remake of Turrican II. It was created by converting the PC version with 256-color graphics but reprogrammed entirely from scratch for the Amiga.

Year: 2022 Genre: Shooter

enhanced remakes freeware multi-directional mutants platform-shooter reverse engineered run and gun shooter walkabout

Turrican amiga

Turrican is one of the most popular games of the '90s. It was designed and programmed by Manfred Trenz initially for the Commodore 64. The game is a sci-fi platformer, where a muta...

Year: 1990 Genre: Shooter

c64 original game commodore 64 mutants platform-shooter run and gun science fiction shooter walkabout

Ruff 'n' Tumble amiga

Ruff 'n' Tumble is a platformer shoot 'em up developed by Wunderkind and published by Renegade Software in 1994, exclusively for the Amiga. The hero is Ruff Rogers, a guy that has to save an alien planet from the mad Dr.

Year: 1994 Genre: Platformer

amiga original game platform-shooter platformer run and gun side-scrolling

Super Contra nes

Super Contra is an arcade game developed and published by Konami in 1988, also ported for Nintendo Entertainment in 1990 This installment is a sequel to the legendary Contra (19...

Year: 1990 Genre: Shooter

2 players aliens coin-op conversion multi-directional platform-shooter run and gun science fiction shooter side-scrolling

Mega Man X dos

Mega Man X is a popular platform game developed by Capcom, released for the SNES in 1993 and ported to PC in 1995. It holds the distinction of being the first Mega Man game for the...

Year: 1995 Genre: Platformer

anime platform-shooter platformer run and gun science fiction

Midnight Resistance amiga

Midnight Resistance is a popular platformer/shooter created by Data East and released initially as an arcade in 1989. It was later ported to several home computer platforms, includ...

Year: 1990 Genre: Arcade

2 players arcade co-op coin-op conversion cyberpunk platform-shooter run and gun shooter