
Retro games, abandonware, freeware and classic games for PC and Mac


Games Developed by Synapse

Mind Walker amiga

Mind Walker is one of the first videogames ever created for the Amiga and one of the few titles published by Commodore. This 3D action/puzzle game was designed by Bill Williams and was published in 1986.

Year: 1986 Genre: Puzzler

3d action strategy amiga original game maze polygons puzzle strategy puzzler

The Pharaoh's Curse atari-8-bit

The Pharaoh's Curse is a platformer developed by Steve Coleman originally for the Atari 400/800. It was published in 1983 by Synapse Software, who ported it also to Commodore 64 and VIC-20.

Year: 1983 Genre: Platformer

ancient egypt archaeology atari 8-bit flip-screen metroidvania platformer