Pipe Dream (a.k.a. Pipe Mania outside the US) is the pipe connecting puzzler designed by Akila Redmer and Stephan Butler. It was developed by Assembly Line in 1989 for the Amiga. I...
2 players falling block puzzle puzzle strategy puzzler real-timeSuper Tetris is a puzzle game developed by Sphere and published by MicroProse in 1992 for the Amiga. It was later released for MS-DOS and Mac OS. The company founded by Sid Meier w...
2d arcade co-op competitive falling block puzzle flip-screen puzzler tetris variantTwintris is a Tetris clone developed by Svein Berge for the Amiga in 1990 and published by Digital Marketing. The following year, it was also released under the name Super Twintri...
2 players amiga original game coverdisk falling block puzzle flip-screen puzzler shape combination tetris variantThe Soviet Block is a simple freeware Tetris clone developed by U.S.E.D. Software and released in 1990 for PC MS-DOS..
arcade clone falling block puzzle freeware tetris variantAcid Tetris is a clone of the original Tetris game that was released in 1998 for DOS and BeOS platforms. The game offers only one game mode, where you guide unlimited falling brick...
arcade clone falling block puzzle freeware tetris variantKlax is a puzzle game created by Atari Games and published in 1990 for arcades and home computers. The object is to catch assorted color-falling tiles and create rows, columns, or diagonals of a single color.
2 players arcade coin-op conversion falling block puzzle puzzle strategy puzzler real-timeTetris Pro is a Tetris variant created by Logic System for Amiga and released for free in the public domain in 1993. Apparently, it's a simple Tetris "clone", but in reality, Tetri...
amiga original game falling block puzzle flip-screen freeware puzzler shape combination tetris variant