Jungle Strike is an action/shooter game with strategy elements created by Electronic Arts originally for the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis. The game is the sequel to Desert Strike: Retu...
genesis original game helicopter jungle multi-directional shooterCool Spot is a jump and run platformer created by Virgin Games originally for the Mega Drive/Genesis. It was then ported to Amiga, Master System, MS-DOS, SNES, and other systems. It was released in 1993.
Year: 1993 Genre: Platformer
2d genesis original game jumper licensed multi-directional platform-shooter platformer run and gunEarthworm Jim 2 for the Mega Drive is an action-platformer developed by Shiny Entertainment and published by Playmates Interactive in 1995. Serving as a sequel to the highly acclai...
Year: 1995 Genre: Platformer
cartoon comedy genesis original game hand-drawn animations platformer run and gun science fiction side-scrollingEcco the Dolphin (or, simply, Ecco) is an action-adventure game developed by Ed Annunziata and the Hungarian company Novotrade. It was released in 1992 as a Sega Genesis (aka Mega ...
action-adventure genesis original game non-linear underwaterBeyond Oasis (also known as The Story of Thor: A Successor of the Light) is a Japanese adventure RPG. It was developed by Ancient and published for the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive between 1994 and 1995.
Year: 1994 Genre: Role Playing
action-rpg anime fantasy genesis original game jrpg rpgJames Pond 3: Operation Starfish is a platformer created by Vectordean and released in 1993. Unlike the previous two games of the series, James Pond 3 was created for the Sega Gene...
Year: 1993 Genre: Platformer
2d aga genesis original game jumper platformerThe Revenge of Shinobi is the second game in the Shinobi series created by SEGA. Revenge was released in 1989, specifically for the SEGA Mega Drive/Genesis, with the PAL (Europe) version coming out in 1990.
brawler genesis original game hack and slash martial arts ninja progressive beat-em-up side-scrollingAlien³, or more simply Alien 3, is the videogame based on the sci-fi horror movie with the same name, the third of the series. The game was developed by Probe Software originally ...
action-adventure aliens genesis original game licensed movies multi-directional platform-shooter science fictionToeJam & Earl is a comedy action-adventure created by Johnson-Voorsanger Productions for the SEGA Mega Drive/Genesis in 1991. The two aliens must find the ten pieces of their broken ship, exploring several randomly generated levels.
2 players action-adventure aliens co-op genesis original game split-screenRistar is a classic action platformer game developed by SEGA for the Mega Drive/Genesis console in 1995. The same team behind the legendary Sonic created this cartoon-style platformer.
Year: 1995 Genre: Platformer
cartoon fantasy genesis original game platformer science fiction side-scrollingShinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master is a hack-and-slash platformer game that was developed by Megasoft and published by Sega. It was released in 1993 for the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive console.
brawler genesis original game hack and slash japan martial arts ninja progressive beat-em-up side-scrollingNHL 96 is a hockey simulation developed by High Score Productions and published by Electronic Arts in 1995 for the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive. It was also released for PC and SNES. It...
genesis original game hockey licensed sports winter sportsGhostbusters (Genesis version) is a side-scrolling platformer featuring the heroes of the 1984 movie. SEGA released the game in 1990. This title is different from the Activision ve...
Year: 1990 Genre: Platformer
genesis original game horror licensed movies platformerLandstalker: Treasure of King Nole is an action-adventure (+part RPG) with a Japanese flavor, created by Climax Entertainment. It was developer for the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive and released in 1992.
action-adventure action-rpg anime genesis original game isometric rpg elements