The Oregon Trail is a computer game originally produced by the Minnesota Educational Computing Consortium (MECC) in 1974. It was designed to teach schoolchildren about the life of 19th-century pioneers.
Year: 1992 Genre: Simulation
educational geography history simulation wild westThe Oregon Trail was developed way back in 1971 on university mainframes then jumped over to early 8-bit home computer systems. Continuing through 4 decades it has reappeared in ma...
Year: 1990 Genre: Simulation
educational geography history simulation wild west“Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego” is one of the most popular retro games, as it was the very first in the line of the Carmen Sandiego series. This educational/strategy ga...
detective educational geography mystery puzzlerWhere in Time is Carmen Sandiego was the fourth game based on the popular character Carmen Sandiego. It arrived after Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego?, Where in the U.S.A.
detective educational geography history mystery puzzler time travelWhere in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? is the first game in the famous educational game series produced by Brøderbund Software. The game stars the renowned thief with a red fedora and trenchcoat.
apple 2 original game detective educational geography puzzlerWhere in The USA is Carmen Sandiego is the second educational mystery game in the Carmen Sandiego franchise. It was developed and published by Broderbund in 1986 for Apple II and DOS.
detective educational geography history mystery puzzlerMystery at the Museums is a strategy/puzzle educational game sponsored by Smithsonian Institution. The game was developed by Artech Digital Entertainments and published for DOS in 1993.
cards geography history logic puzzle strategy puzzler scienceWhere in Europe is Carmen Sandiego is the third chapter in the Carmen Sandiego series. It was published in 1988 for Amiga, DOS, Commodore 64, and other platforms. This episode, whi...
detective educational europe geography mystery puzzler