Pitfall!, also known as Pitfall Harry's Jungle Adventure, is a legendary platformer designed and programmed by David Crane. It was released in 1982 for the Atari 2600. In this ga...
Year: 1983 Genre: Platformer
atari 2600 flip-screen platformerPitfall II: Lost Caverns is the sequel to David Crane's award-winning Pitfall. It was developed and published by Activision in 1984. It was released for nine platforms, including Apple II, Commodore 64, Colecovision, and Atari 5200.
Year: 1984 Genre: Platformer
arcade atari 2600 metroidvania platformer south americaPitfall: the Mayan Adventure is a side-scrolling action platformer. It's the forth game in the Pitfall series. It was developed by Activision in partnership with Redline games and published by Activision in 1994.
Year: 1995 Genre: Platformer
genesis original game hand-drawn animations jungle platformer side-scrolling