StarBlade is a futuristic action-adventure created by Silmarils for the Amiga, Atari ST, and MS-DOS and released in 1990. Venture into the boundless cosmos and confront the looming...
action-adventure adventure side-scrolling spaceDragon's Lair II: Time Warp is the home computer adaptation of Dragon's Lair II, the sequel of the laserdisc arcade game created by Don Bluth Studios. This version was released in ...
action-adventure cartoon cinematic fantasy hand-drawn animations interactive movie laserdiscKid Gloves is a platformer created by Timothy Closs for the Amiga and Atari ST. The game was released for free on the cover disk of Amiga Power in June 1991. With levels set in Anc...
Year: 1990 Genre: Platformer
coverdisk flip-screen jumper platformerCaptive is a sci-fi RPG created by Antony Crowther and published by Mindscape in 1990 for the Amiga, Atari ST, and MS-DOS. The game uses a first-person perspective, with movements in the four directions in a pseudo-3D environment.
Year: 1990 Genre: Role Playing
dungeon crawler first-person party-based rpg science fiction spaceWhere in The USA is Carmen Sandiego is the second educational mystery game in the Carmen Sandiego franchise. It was developed and published by Broderbund in 1986 for Apple II and DOS.
detective educational geography history mystery puzzlerLinks: The Challenge of Golf is a golf simulation developed by Access Software and published for PC and Amiga in 1990. The game was the first title of a popular series of golf simu...
golf ham mode hotseat multiplayer sportsThe Bard's Tale III: Thief of Fate is a fantasy role-playing game created by Interplay Productions in 1988. It's the third chapter of the The Bard's Tale series. It was released in...
Year: 1990 Genre: Role Playing
apple 2 original game dungeon crawler fantasy rpg sword and sorcery turn-based rpgMaupiti Island is a graphic adventure created by Lankhor in 1990 for the Amiga and Atari ST, later ported to MS-DOS. It's the second detective/mystery title created by the French studio based in Paris.
adventure clicker crime & punishment detective first-person graphic adventure mystery non-linearSir Fred: The Legend is a side-scrolling action game released in 1989 for the Amiga and Atari ST. Developed by Incal Product and published by Ubi Soft, the game puts you in the sho...
atari st brawler fantasy medieval progressive beat-em-up side-scrolling violenceBadlands is a racing arcade created by Atari Games in 1989 and ported to Amiga, Commodore 64, Atari ST, and ZX Spectrum by Domark. It is the spiritual successor to Super Sprint but with a post-apocalyptic theme.
2 players automobile brutal sports combat racing competitive post-apocalyptic racingJames Pond: Underwater Agent is a side-scrolling platform game developed by Vectordean. It was published by Millennium Interactive in 1990. It was initially for the Amiga and later...
Year: 1990 Genre: Platformer
amiga original game espionage jumper platformer side-scrolling spyGettysburg is a wargame created by Turcan Research and published for Amiga, Atari ST, and MS-DOS in 1990 by Atari. As you can imagine, it's set during the American Civil War, parti...
american civil war historical battle history strategy turn-based strategy wargameGeisha is a graphic adventure for adults, created by Tomahawk and published by Coktel Vision in 1990 for the Amiga, Atari ST, and MS-DOS. Set in futuristic Japan, the game designed...
adult adventure crime & punishment detective japan mini-games point and click science fiction