Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings is a historical real-time strategy game created by Ensemble Studios. It was published by Microsoft in 1999 for Windows and Macintosh. As you can...
europe historical battle isometric medieval middle east real-time rts strategyCommandos: Behind Enemy Lines is the first chapter of a famous tactical game series created by the Spanish studio Pyro and published by Eidos. This first game, designed by Gonzalo ...
europe historical battle military rts squad management stealth strategy tactics war ww2Rise and Fall: Civilizations at War is a historic real-time strategy game developed by Stainless Steel Studios and Midway Games and published in 2006. In 2008 a free version of the game was released supported by the US Air Force.
classical antiquity fantasy freeware historical battle history real-time strategyNorth & South is an action/strategy game based on the comic books "The Blue Jackets", released in 1989 for Amiga and Atari ST. It was ported later for DOS, ZX Spectrum and other platforms.
2 players american civil war comics historical battle history strategy war wargameSid Meier's Colonization is a strategy game themed on the European colonization of the New World, starting from the Discovery of America in 1492. The player has time until 1850 to reach independence.
4x aga business simulation historical battle history north america south america strategy turn-based strategyDefender of the Crown is a strategy game designed by Kellyn Beck and it's one of the first and most influential Amiga games. It was Cinemaware's first game, and was originally rele...
amiga original game europe fantasy historical battle history map-based historical medieval mythology robin hood strategy1943: The Battle of Midway is a shoot 'em up developed and published by Capcom for arcade machines in 1987. Later on, the title was ported to several computers and consoles such as...
2d arcade aviation coin-op conversion historical battle shooter top-down v-scrolling shoot-em up vertical-scrolling ww2Red Baron was created by Damon Slye at Dynamix and published by Sierra Entertainment in 1990 for MS-DOS 5.0. Two years later it was ported to Amiga. Red Baron is a flight simulator game set in World War I, on the western front.
Year: 1990 Genre: Simulation
aviation combat flight simulation flight sim historical battle history simulation war ww1Centurion: Defender of Rome is a strategy game developed by Bits of Magic and published by Electronic Arts. Initially released for PC in 1990, it was ported to Amiga and SEGA Genesis in 1991.
ancient egypt classical antiquity historical battle history map-based historical middle east roman strategy warPanzer General is a top-down, turn-based, historical battle game developed and published by Strategic Simulations, Inc and released for DOS in 1994. It was one of the first games (...
historical battle history military strategy turn-based strategy war wargame ww2Silent Service 2 is a submarine simulator created by MicroProse and published initially in 1990 for PC MS-DOS and later for Amiga/Atari ST. The game is the sequel to the well-known...
Year: 1991 Genre: Simulation
first-person historical battle history naval simulation submarine vehicular combat simulator war ww2Castles is a video game developed by Quicksilver and published by Interplay in 1991 and 1992 for Amiga, Atari ST, and DOS. Castles is a unique blend of strategy, resource management, and medieval warfare.
fantasy historical battle history isometric map-based historical medieval strategyLost Patrol is an action strategy game developed by Shadow Development, set during the Vietnam War. It was published by Ocean Software in 1990 for the Amiga and Atari ST. It was released for DOS the following year.
action strategy amiga original game historical battle history military mini-games strategy vietnam warSecret Weapons of the Luftwaffe is a World War II combat flight simulation created by LucasFilm Games and released in 1991 for PC MS-DOS. The game features several historical missi...
Year: 1991 Genre: Simulation
aviation combat flight simulation flight sim historical battle history simulation ww2