
Retro games, abandonware, freeware and classic games for PC and Mac


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Cosmic Spacehead

Cosmic Spacehead

Author: Gustavo - Published: 4 March 2021, 1:54 pm

Cosmic Spacehead is a platform adventure released in 1993 for Amiga, MS-DOS, Game Gear, Sega Master System, and Genesis/Mega Drive. It's a remake of the NES title Linus Spacehead's Cosmic Crusade.

Cosmic Spacehead is a game full of contradictions. First, it sells itself as a family game, but it has names of porn industry figures, and the character searches for fake driver's licenses. It gives the impression that it is trying to be a comedy game, but it is not funny. But of all these contradictions, the one that bothers me the most is that a game as redundant and bad as this one has such good graphics and music. This, ladies and gentlemen, is Cosmic Spacehead, the game of contradictions.

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Aliens: Alien 2

Aliens: Alien 2

Author: GN Team - Published: 3 March 2021, 10:38 pm

Aliens: Alien 2 is a platform shooter created by Squaresoft and released exclusively in Japan for MSX computers.

As you can imagine from the title, it's the official videogame based on the 1986 James Cameron movie Aliens, the sequel to the 1979 Ridley Scott's movie Alien.

There are three different games based on this movie: in Europe, Electric Dreams published a game called Aliens: The Computer Game, for the Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum, and Amstrad CPC. It was a first-person strategy game, similar to Space Hulk, but released 6 years before. In the USA, Activision released a game with the same title but completely different since it was a mini-games collection. Still for a range of 8-bit platforms.

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Operation Thunderbolt

Operation Thunderbolt

Author: Gustavo - Published: 28 February 2021, 2:49 pm

Operation Thunderbolt is a rail shooter coin-op released by Taito in 1988 as the sequel to Operation Wolf. It was ported to Zx Spectrum, Commodore 64, Amiga ST, Amiga, and other platforms in 1989-1990.

So, funny story. When I first ran Operation Thunderbolt, I expected a menu to pop up and go straight to the shooting. When the game started, I saw a kidnapping story and thought, "great, wrong game." After googling for a while, I concluded that there was no other game with the same name, and I started it again. When I finished the introduction, the main menu appeared with the two main characters shooting everywhere, and I realized I had gotten the title right. The moral is that I'm used to so many poorly ported games or games with little attention to the story that a few images and narrations surprised me. After completing the game, I was amazed by Operation Thunderbolt, and today I will share my experience with you.

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Alien Carnage

Alien Carnage

Author: Gustavo - Published: 28 February 2021, 2:38 pm

Alien Carnage is a side-scrolling shooter created by Interactive Binary Illusions and SubZero Software, published by Apogee in 1993 for MS-DOS. The game was released as freeware in 2007.

Having to talk about Alien Carnage, I really don't know what to think. On the one hand, it's a game I loved, enjoyed every moment from start to finish, and kept me entertained throughout. On the other hand, something about the character design and several sections of the gameplay I found tedious and insufferable. Got your curiosity? Then let's explore this title a bit further.

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Gobliins 2: The Prince Buffoon

Gobliins 2: The Prince Buffoon

Author: Gustavo - Published: 27 February 2021, 2:52 am

Gobliins 2 is the second chapter in the series of adventure-puzzle games developed by Coktel Vision. Sierra On-Line released it in 1992 for the Amiga, Atari ST MS-DOS.

Making a funny game is not an easy task. Everyone knows that the most difficult genres to work with are horror and comedy, and although horror favors the gameplay, this does not happen with the other genre. If in itself many of these games fail miserably, if we go back a few decades, it was even worse. That's why finding a classic gem that really makes you laugh is a challenging goal. With that said, today, we are going to analyze Gobliins 2: The Prince Buffoon, probably the best episode of the series.

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James Pond: Underwater Agent

James Pond: Underwater Agent

Author: Gustavo - Published: 27 February 2021, 2:39 am

James Pond: Underwater Agent is a side-scrolling platform game developed by Vectordean. It was published by Millennium Interactive in 1990. It was initially for the Amiga and later ported to Atari ST, Sega Mega Drive, and other platforms.

I must admit that my introduction to James Pond: Underwater Agent started on the wrong foot. The first time I played it, I was quickly offended to think it was a copy of Ariel the Little Mermaid, one of my favorite Sega titles when I was under ten. I recently gave James Pond a second chance and was shocked to learn that it was developed before the Little Mermaid and is even much better. Anyway, let's start with the review before my childhood is even more shattered.

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