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Nightbreed: The Action Game

Nightbreed:  The Action Game

Author: GN Team - Published: 8 January 2021, 6:01 pm

Nightbreed: The Action Game is a progressive beat-em-up based on Clive Barker's movie Nightbreed. The game was developed by Impact for Ocean and published in 1990 for Amiga, Amstrad CPC, Atari ST, Commodore 64, DOS, e ZX Spectrum.

There was a plan for 3 games based on the movie, the second one is Nightbreed: The Interactive Movie, but the third one has never been completed. Apparently, some of the third game assets have been used for another game, called Daemonsgate.

This action game made good use of digitized images taken from the film but failed to bring the movie atmosphere to the game. Mostly because the gameplay is really standard, with a run, jump, and fight in a hostile fantasy environment, but no much more than this. Controls are not very responsive, which makes things worse.

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Dalek Attack

Dalek Attack

Author: GN Team - Published: 1 January 2021, 2:40 pm

Dalek Attack is an action game based on the BBC series Doctor Who. It was developed by 221b Software and published by Alternative in 1993 for the Amiga, Atari ST, Commodore 64, DOS, and ZX Spectrum.

In this platformer-shooter, which supports 2-players simultaneous play, you can be the Doctor, choosing from the Seventh (the one played by Sylvester McCoy), the Second (Patrick Troughton), or the Fourth (Tom Baker). Why this choice of Doctors? "Who" knows...

If you play with a friend, the second player will control Mel Bush Ace (companion of the Seventh Doctor) or a Unit soldier. You and your friend will fight, of course, the Daleks, controlled by their creator Davros.

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Risky Woods

Risky Woods

Author: GN Team - Published: 31 December 2020, 3:57 pm

Risky Woods is a platformer created by the Spanish studio Zeus and published by Electronic Arts and Dinamic Software in 1992. It was released for the Amiga, Atari ST, MS-DOS, and Mega Drive/Genesis.

The game designed by Ricardo Puerto and Raúl López represents an excellent entry into the platform shooter genre. Controls are similar to Turrican, but the most similar match is probably Ghosts 'N Goblins. However, the Capcom coin-op conversion suffered many problems, while Risky Woods's quality is fantastic. With responsive controls, fluid animations, detailed graphics, and a very dark tone, the game is a real surprise: it also features impressive parallax scrolling. This is one of the few titles where we can observe parallax scrolling with 16-color backgrounds, which the Amiga did not support, at least not with standard solutions. The developers programmed a routine using one of the Amiga's custom chips to show continuously recycled sprites to create the illusion of a moving background. You won't find this technique very often. You can also add excellent intro music and good sound effects.

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Author: GN Team - Published: 30 December 2020, 3:51 pm

Lorna is an action game based on the Spanish comic book character created by Alfonso Azpiri. The game was developed by Topo Soft and released in 1990 for the Amiga, Atari ST, MS-DOS, MSX, Amstrad CPC, and ZX Spectrum.

The gameplay is the typical side-scrolling platformer/beat-em-up, somehow resembling Lionheart, whose jungle/sci-fi graphics are also similar. I will avoid easy comments on the sexy heroine, which was, alone, enough for many people to try this title. But the truth is the development team did a great job with all the game art in general—perfect choice of colors and many details. The monsters and the backgrounds are great, especially the underground ones.

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RoboCop 3

RoboCop 3

Author: GN Team - Published: 26 December 2020, 9:35 pm

RoboCop 3 is the official videogame based on the third chapter of the Robocop movie saga, where the protagonist is a cyborg-policeman. This version of the game was created by Digital Image Design for the Amiga, Atari ST, and MS-DOS and was released in 1992.

RoboCop 3 was a quite different game compared to the previous 2 titles. The others were side-scrolling run and gun platformers/shooters, but for this release, Digital Image Design decided to use the 3D engine they developed for F29 Retaliator. So RoboCop 3 is a 3D polygon graphics game. The development started in September 1990 and required more than one year. The title was completed at the end of 1991, even before the movie was out. But considering that the game creators didn't have access to exclusive movie info and had to work with some sketches and rumors, the game didn't contain any spoiler.

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Z: The Game

Z: The Game

Author: Gustavo - Published: 21 December 2020, 12:39 am

Z (or Zed) is a sci-fi real-time strategy game developed by The Bitmap Brothers and published in 1996 for PC-MSDOS.

The world of video games is really very intricate. We can notice a growing complexity in the theoretical framework of each adventure's narrative and a clear sophistication of its development. With this scenario strongly focused on emphasizing the cautious player's reading and concentration, a new adventure title decided to leave a clear statement concerning this: SCREW THAT NERDY CRAP! In Z: The Game, you will find what you really need: unnecessarily big words, robots drinking soda, swearing and screaming like cowboys and METAL! (the music genre, not the robots).

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