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Sid Meier's Civilization II

Available Platform: Windows - Alias: Civilization II Multiplayer Gold Edition

Civilization II, or simply Civ2, is the second chapter of the most famous turn-based strategy video game ever created: Sid Meier's Civilization.

Sid Meier

97/100 based on 14 User reviews. Add your vote

DeveloperMicroProse Software
OS supportedWindows XP, 2000 & Windows 7, MacOS 10.6-10.14
Updated26 August 2021

Game Review

Civilization II, or simply Civ2, is the second chapter of the most famous turn-based strategy video game ever created: Sid Meier's Civilization.

The game's objective is to "Build an empire to stand the test of time". This second chapter, build natively for Windows, runs perfectly on modern computers.

Note: this game has been tested on Windows 10 and it works. Just launch "civ2.exe" contained in the "Civilization 2" folder. The first time you lauch it, it's possible that you will be asked to install Direct Play. Just confirm and wait until Direct Play it's installed, after that, the game will work.

Oct 2020 update: We just added an additional version that includes videos. Just download the archive and follow the instructions on README.TXT to install the codes required to see the videos.

See Also: Sid Meier's Colonization - One of the best games ever designed

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Download Sid Meier's Civilization II - Windows Version windows

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Windows version with Foxhead patch v1.1 - Language: English - Size: 17.75 Mb

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Windows version Including Videos and video codec - Language: English - Size: 276.97 Mb

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Mac Wineskin version compatible with Big Sur 1.2 - Language: English - Size: 108.27 Mb

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Latest Comments

  • Tori Kazuki - 2025-02-14 - Reply

    While some dubious decisions were made in 'What does what' (I.E. 'No corruption in the Democratic Government'? SERIOUSLY?) The game is still infinitely replayable and even more so in Multiplayer. One of my favorite and most frustrating play experiences was when we had an 8-player game going and the 'Wheeling 'n Dealing' in the game-chat took longer than playing the game! It was maddening, but great.

    I'm also convinced that the game's sales would have at least doubled if they had filmed a video for 'The Oracle' like the Oracle sequence in the '300' Film. ^_~

  • Donal Lyons - 2023-11-27 - Reply

    One of the greats.

  • Frida Shroyer - 2023-05-23 - Reply

    Love this game. It's fine for its era and I'm so happy you've made it available.

  • Mohamed Alrais - 2022-12-16 - Reply


  • Dick Dawson - 2022-11-08 - Reply

    Amazing. Thank you so much. As soon as adsense pays me out you are getting a donation. Well done, esp for the big videos version.

  • Manu - 2022-06-21 - Reply

    Thank you @Aaron! Enjoy the game!

  • Aaron P - 2022-05-15 - Reply

    Wow! I am impressed and VERY thankful that there are people like you with a coding background that can keep these games running! I opened on WIN10 with no issues. I had previously been opening a browser-based version of the game to run but stopped working. The browser version didn't have the music and videos. (which sound great BTW). I bought my cope of this game in 1996 and I think I haven't watched the opening movie in over 25 years! So, thanks again!

  • Mike Detharet - 2022-03-16 - Reply

    I kept a windows XP computer for years just to play Civ II Test of Time. This updated version works like a charm on a Windows 11, DELL Latitude, computer. Graphic is a bit crude but active piece "flash" much better than with the original. Hope you will update Civ II Test of Time with colonization of Alpha Centaurus.
    March 2022 Mike Detharet

  • svtsnake - 2021-11-16 - Reply

    Awesome, awesome, awesome game. I was going to build a Win7 rig to run this game but could not pull off installing win7 on a m.2 nvme.
    Anyways, awesome game. Is there a way I can play music? I have the cd version of the game and can put the music into a folder. Just need to know how to get music playing.

  • Steven Yi - 2021-06-17 - Reply

    The greatest game ever made!

  • André Ferreira - 2021-06-10 - Reply

    For Mac OS 64bit user (Catalina and later). To play the game you need to use a windows emulator and run the windows version. I'm using PlayOnMac. There's a trick to it. You need to "install" using the civ2.exe file, and it will give you an error message. Before you click on anything else on PlayOnMac, move the entire game folder to the "dosdevices>c/" folder that PlayOnMac created on your user folder when "installing" the civ2.exe file. After this, continue the procedure on PlayOnMac and select the civ2.exe file as a shortcut.

  • Johnni Nielsen - 2021-03-12 - Reply

    finally my true love is back. this version works on my win 8.1 64 bit completely without any action, these good people earned a donation for excelent work, they do what the rest of the net could not.