Heretic is a first-person shooter developed by Raven Software and published by id Software in 1994 for the PC and Mac. The game was published by the prestigious American company id...
2.5d dark fantasy doom engine fantasy first-person fps medieval shooter texture mapHexen II is a dark-fantasy first-person shooter developed by Raven Software and published by id Software in 1997 for Windows and 2002 for Mac. The development company founded in Wi...
3d ancient egypt dark fantasy first-person fps medieval quake engine roman rpg elements shooterHexen: Beyond Heretic is a fantasy first-person shooter developed by Raven Software. It was released in 1995 as a sequel to Heretic, which had been published one year before. It is the second chapter of the Serpent Riders series.
2.5d dark fantasy doom engine fantasy fps shooter texture mapBlack Crypt is a fantasy single-player roleplaying game by Raven Software, published by Electronic Arts. It was released in 1992. It was initially conceived of as a pen and paper roleplaying game by Brian Raffel and Steve Raffel.
Year: 1992 Genre: Role Playing
amiga original game dungeon crawler extra half-brite fantasy party-based real-time rpg sword and sorceryHexen II Mission Pack: Portal of Praevus is an expansion pack of Hexen II developed by Raven Software and published by Activision in 1998 for Windows. Raven Software, the American ...
3d dark fantasy first-person fps medieval mission quake engine shooter