Formula 1 Grand Prix (known as World Circuit in the US) is the first title of the racing games series created by Geoff Crammond. It was published by Microprose. Grand Prix 1, whi...
3d automobile driving f1 hotseat multiplayer racing track racing vehicle simulatorChampionship Manager 93 is the second chapter of Sports Interactive's popular football management sim series. Designed by Paul and Oliver Collyer, it was released by Domark for PC and Amiga.
football hotseat management multiplayer soccer sport management sportsWarlords is a fantasy strategy/rpg series created by Steve Fawkner. The first game in the series was published in 1990 by SSG for Amiga and MS-DOS. It featured eight different clan...
fantasy hotseat map-based historical multiplayer rpg elements strategy turn-based strategy wargameCalifornia Games II is a sports game created by Epyx. It was released in 1990 for MS-DOS and later ported to the Amiga, Atari ST, and other platforms. It's the sequel to the origin...
hotseat mini-games mixed sports multiplayer north america skateboarding sports surfingSpace Crusade is a computer adaptation of the 1990 Games Workshop boardgame set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe. The video game was created by Gremlin Graphics and released in 199...
board game hotseat licensed multiplayer science fiction space squad management strategy top-down turn-based strategyHeroQuest II: Legacy of Sorasil is a fantasy isometric role-playing game created by Gremlin Interactive and released in 1994 for the Amiga only. It's the sequel to the 1991 Heroquest, a conversion of the popular board game.
Year: 1994 Genre: Role Playing
board game fantasy hotseat multiplayer rpg sword and sorcery turn-based rpgSummer Games is the first game of the popular series dedicated to the Olympic games. It was created by Epyx and released initially in 1984 for the Commodore 64. The game was so suc...
c64 original game commodore 64 hotseat mixed sports multiplayer olympiad sportsCalifornia Games is a sports game developed by Epyx and Westwood and published by Epyx in North America and by U.S. Gold in Europe. The game was released in 1987 for Apple II and C...
c64 original game commodore 64 hotseat mini-games mixed sports multiplayer north america skateboarding sports surfingWinter Games is a sports simulation created by Epyx originally for the Commodore 64. It was published in 1985, as a sequel to Summer Games, the highly successful title based on the 1984's Olympic games.
c64 original game commodore 64 hotseat mixed sports multiplayer olympiad skating ski sports winter sportsPGA Tour Golf is the first game of the popular series of golf sims. It was designed and developed by Lee Actor and Dennis Koble, the founders of Sterling Silver Software, and published for MS-DOS in 1990 by Electronic Arts.
golf hotseat licensed multiplayer sportsArcade Pool is a pool simulation/arcade game developed by Antitesi and published by Team 17 in 1994 for Amiga and MS-DOS. Ofter considered the best pool game ever created for the A...
arcade hotseat multiplayer pool sports top-downDetroit is a turn-based managerial strategy game developed by Impressions Games and released for PC and Amiga, including an AGA version, in 1994. The title was designed by David Lester, the author of Caesar and Lords of the Realm.
aga automobile belle époque business simulation hotseat management multiplayer strategy turn-based strategyObsession is a pinball sim created by Unique Development Sweden originally for the Atari Falcon, then ported to Amiga in 1995..
arcade atari st bat and ball hotseat multiplayer pinballPizza Connection is a fun business simulation created by the German company Cybernetic Corporation. It was published by Software 2000 for Amiga and MS-DOS in 1994. The Amiga version was released only in German.
business simulation city building comedy construction simulation crime & punishment hotseat humour management multiplayer real-time strategy