Mega Man 2, known in Japan as Rockman 2, is an action platformer created by Capcom in 1988 for the Nintendo Entertainment System. It was the second title in the Mega Man series a...
Year: 1988 Genre: Platformer
anime nes original game platform-shooter platformer science fictionAfter the War is a post-apocalyptic action game created by the Spanish software house Dinamic Software in 1989. It was released for 8-bit platforms - ZX Spectrum, Amstrad CPC, Commodore 64 - and 16-bit platforms - Atari ST and Amiga.
brawler multi-type platform-shooter post-apocalyptic progressive beat-em-up shooter side-scrollingZool 2 is a platform game developed by Gremlin Graphics and released for Amiga and Amiga CD32 in 1993. Serving as a sequel to the original Zool, this game continues the adventures ...
Year: 1993 Genre: Platformer
advergames aga amiga cd32 amiga original game cartoon ninja platform-shooter platformerT2002 is a remake of Turrican, one of the most popular platformers released for the Commodore 64, Amiga and other platforms in 1990. The game features original graphics, sound, a...
enhanced remakes freeware platform-shooter platformerThe Killing Game Show is a 2D shooter/platformer developed by the small studio Raising Hell Software. It was released by Psygnosis for the Amiga and Atari ST in 1990. This shoot'em...
platform-shooter science fiction shooterSuper Contra is an arcade game developed and published by Konami in 1988, also ported for Nintendo Entertainment in 1990 This installment is a sequel to the legendary Contra (19...
2 players aliens coin-op conversion multi-directional platform-shooter run and gun science fiction shooter side-scrollingFire Force (aka Fireforce) is a horizontal scrolling platform shooter developed by Dave Gibbons and Steve Day for the Amiga and Atari ST. It was published by ICE in 1992. The game ...
amiga original game military platform-shooter side-scrolling violenceRisky Woods is a platformer created by the Spanish studio Zeus and published by Electronic Arts and Dinamic Software in 1992. It was released for the Amiga, Atari ST, MS-DOS, and Mega Drive/Genesis.
Year: 1992 Genre: Platformer
anime dark fantasy platform-shooter platformer run and gun side-scrolling supernaturalAlien³, or more simply Alien 3, is the videogame based on the sci-fi horror movie with the same name, the third of the series. The game was developed by Probe Software originally ...
action-adventure aliens genesis original game licensed movies multi-directional platform-shooter science fictionExolon is a flip-screen, run-and-gun platformer with puzzle elements designed by Raffaele Cecco. Hewson published it for several 8-bit computers, including ZX Spectrum, Commodore 64, and Amstrad CPC.
flip-screen platform-shooter puzzle platformer run and gunNavy Seals is a platform shooter created by Ocean, based on the 1990 film with the same name. The game was released initially on the Amstrad CPC, Amstrad GX4000 e Commodore 64. Later it was ported to Amiga and Atari ST.
c64 original game licensed military movies multi-directional platform-shooterLethal Weapon is the video game adaptation of the popular film with Mel Gibson. The game was created by Ocean and published in 1992 for the Amiga, Atari ST and MS-DOS. Similarly to...
2d movies platform-shooter side-scrollingImpossamole is a platform shooter created by Core Design and published by Gremlin Graphics in 1990. It was released for Amiga, Atari ST, ZX Spectrum, Commodore 64, PC Engine, and other platforms.
jumper jungle platform-shooter shooterFlimbo's Quest is a 2D platform developed by Euphoria and released by System 3 in 1990 for the Commodore 64, Amiga, Atari ST, and Amstrad CPC. System 3, the British company founded...
Year: 1990 Genre: Platformer
2d c64 original game commodore 64 fantasy platform-shooter platformer side-scrolling wizards and witches