The Amazing Spider-Man is a 1990 platformer created by Paragon Software, officially based on the popular superhero. ** Swinging into Adventure: Why The Amazing Spider-Man Amiga Gam...
Year: 1990 Genre: Platformer
amiga original game climber comics flip-screen platformer puzzle platformer superheroX-Men is a videogame created by Western Technologies exclusively for the SEGA Mega Drive/Genesis console and published in 1993. The title is based on the famous superheroes series by Marvel.
basher brawler genesis original game licensed side-scrolling superheroBatman: The Movie (or, more simply, Batman) is an action game based on the 1989 Batman film directed by Tim Burton. Developed by Ocean Software, it was released in 1989 for the Ami...
action-adventure comics licensed movies multi-type platformer superheroBatman Returns is the official adaptation of the 1992 movie by Tim Burton. The Genesis/Mega Drive version was published by SEGA in 1992, while the Amiga version, developed by Denton Designs, was released in 1993 by GameTek.
brawler licensed movies progressive beat-em-up side-scrolling superheroBatman: The Video Game is a platformer created by Sunsoft for the NES in 1989, right after the Batman movie by Tim Burton. It should not be confused with the Batman videogame creat...
Year: 1989 Genre: Platformer
licensed movies nes original game platformer side-scrolling superhero