Hill Street Blues is the official videogame of the critically acclaimed TV series with the same name, which aired on NBC from 1981 to 1987. The game was created by Krisalis and rel...
action strategy detective licensed real-time strategy top-downThe Return of Medusa is a video game developed by X-Ample and published by Starbyte Software. This game was released in 1991 for the Amiga, Atari ST, and DOS platforms. It is a sequel to Rings of Medusa, released in 1989.
Year: 1991 Genre: Role Playing
fantasy rpgShogi Master is the video game version of the Japanese Chess game Shogi, developed and published by Ishi Press International in 1991 for DOS only. Shogi is also known as the Game o...
board game chess variants japan strategyCastles: The Northern Campaign is an expansion and an improved version of Castles, the strategy game developed by Quicksilver. The original game and the expansion were released i...
history map-based historical medieval mission strategyObitus is a role-playing game created by Scenario Developments and published by Psygnosis in 1991 for the Amiga, Atari ST, and MS-DOS. A conversion for the SNES version was released in 1994.
Year: 1991 Genre: Role Playing
adventure-rpg dungeon crawler fantasy first-person rpgExile is an action video game ported by Audiogenic to the Amiga, Commodore 64, and Atari ST in 1991. The original title was developed in 1988 by Superior Software for the BBC Micro.
action-adventure aga bbc micro metroidvania multi-directional science fictionConan: The Cimmerian is an action-adventure with RPG elements created by Synergistic Software for PC and Amiga and released in 1991 by Virgin Games. The game is officially based on...
action-adventure adventure-rpg fantasy licensed multi-directional novel sword and sorceryKing's Bounty is a turn-based strategy game developed and published by New World Computing. The title was released in 1990 for MS-DOS, C64, and Apple II, while the Amiga, Genesis, and Macintosh versions arrived in 1991.
adventure-rpg fantasy rpg elements strategy top-down turn-based rpgThe Adventures of Robin Hood is an adventure game created by Millennium Interactive and published for Amiga, Atari ST and MS-DOS in 1991. The game, based on the legend of Robin Hood, was designed by Steve Grand and Ian Saunter.
adventure adventure-strategy fantasy isometric non-linear open world robin hoodGhost Battle is an action-adventure/arcade platformer created by Interactive Design and published by Thalion originally for the Amiga in 1991. Inspired by successes like Shadow o...
action-adventure amiga original game brawler dark fantasy hack and slash horror side-scrollingJimmy White's 'Whirlwind' Snooker is a 3D snooker simulation developed by the famous programmer Archer MacLean. It was published by Virgin Games in 1991 for the Commodore Amiga, Atari ST, and PC.
3d amiga original game physics pool snooker sportsThe Adventures of Maddog Williams in the Dungeons of Duridian is a graphic adventure released by Game Crafters in 1991 for MS-DOS, Amiga, and Atari ST. In this fantasy title, devel...
adventure fantasy freeware graphic adventure point and click