Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings is a historical real-time strategy game created by Ensemble Studios. It was published by Microsoft in 1999 for Windows and Macintosh. As you can...
europe historical battle isometric medieval middle east real-time rts strategyAge of Empires is a historical real-time strategy game created by Ensemble Studios and published by Microsoft on October 15, 1997, for Windows. Later it was also published for Mac OS on August 22, 1998.
classical antiquity history isometric real-time rts strategy warAnother World, also known as Out of This World, is a cinematic platformer action-adventure designed by Éric Chahi for Delphine Software. It was released in 1991 initially for Amig...
action-adventure amiga original game cinematic platformer puzzle platformer science fictionArkanoid is an arcade game developed by Taito in 1986 and one of the most popular videogame ever created. It's inspired to Breakout, a videogame created by Atari in 1970, but it's much richer.
arcade bat and ball breakout coin-op conversion paddle pong science fictionAlone in the Dark is a survival horror game developed by Infogrames Europe and published by I-Motion in 1992. It was initially released for DOS but was later ported to several other platforms.
3d action-adventure adventure horror interwar survival horror