
Retro games, abandonware, freeware and classic games for PC and Mac


Games Published by Millennium Interactive

Diggers amiga

Diggers is a sci-fi puzzler created by Millennium Interactive originally for Amiga in 1993 and later ported to MS-DOS and Acorn 32-bit. The game, designed and programmed by Toby Si...

Year: 1993 Genre: Puzzler

aga amiga original game lemmings variants puzzler science fiction

James Pond 2: RoboCod amiga

James Pond 2: Codename Robocod is a platformer created by Vectordean in 1991 as a sequel to James Pond: Underwater Agent. The game was initially developed for Amiga, Atari ST, an...

Year: 1991 Genre: Platformer

advergames aga amiga cd32 jumper platformer

Steel Empire amiga

Steel Empire is an action-strategy game created by Silicon Knights for the Amiga, Atari ST, and MS-DOS, released in 1992. Denis Dyack and Rick Goertz designed this title. It's the ...

Year: 1992 Genre: Strategy

action strategy hotseat mecha multiplayer science fiction strategy tactics top-down

Rome: AD92 amiga

Rome: Pathway to Power, also known as Rome: AD92, is a game created by Firstlight and published by Millennium Interactive in 1992. It was released for the Amiga and MS-DOS. The tit...

Year: 1992 Genre: Adventure

adventure adventure-strategy clicker isometric open world roman rpg elements

James Pond: Underwater Agent amiga

James Pond: Underwater Agent is a side-scrolling platform game developed by Vectordean. It was published by Millennium Interactive in 1990. It was initially for the Amiga and later...

Year: 1990 Genre: Platformer

amiga original game espionage jumper platformer side-scrolling spy

The Adventures of Robin Hood amiga

The Adventures of Robin Hood is an adventure game created by Millennium Interactive and published for Amiga, Atari ST and MS-DOS in 1991. The game, based on the legend of Robin Hood, was designed by Steve Grand and Ian Saunter.

Year: 1991 Genre: Adventure

adventure adventure-strategy fantasy isometric non-linear open world robin hood

Kid Gloves amiga

Kid Gloves is a platformer created by Timothy Closs for the Amiga and Atari ST. The game was released for free on the cover disk of Amiga Power in June 1991. With levels set in Anc...

Year: 1990 Genre: Platformer

coverdisk flip-screen jumper platformer

Brutal Sports Football amiga

Brutal Sports Football, also known as Brutal Football or Crazy Sports Football in Germany, is a futuristic violent sports game created by Teque London. Millennium Interactive published it in 1993 for the Amiga and MS-DOS.

Year: 1993 Genre: Sports

2 players aga american football amiga cd32 futuristic sports multiplayer rugby sports