Dragon Power is a classic NES game released by Bandai in 1986 and developed by Tose. Originally based on the Japanese manga and anime series Dragon Ball, the game underwent signifi...
Year: 1986 Genre: Role Playing
action-adventure action-rpg anime jrpg licensed nes original game rpg top-downRevs is the first racing game created by Geoff Crammond, developer and game designer famous for the Formula 1 Grand Prix series. The original version, created for BBC Micro and p...
automobile driving racing track racing vehicle simulatorUridium is a science fiction side-scrolling shoot 'em-up originally designed by Andrew Braybrook for the Commodore 64. It was one of the most popular games for the 8-bit home compu...
commodore 64 science fiction shooter space flightSpellbound is an adventure-platformer created by David Jones for Mastertronic. It was published under the label Mastertronic Added Dimension in 1985 for the ZX Spectrum and Amstrad CPC.
adventure flip-screen graphic adventure platformer puzzle platformerTransylvania is the first chapter of a series of horror graphic adventure games created by Antonio Antiochia and published by Penguin Software. This first game was released in 1982 for the Apple II, Atari 8-bit, and Commodore 64.
adventure horror interactive fiction text adventure with picturesSkyfox is a sci-fi combat flight simulator created by Ray Tobey originally for the Apple II and published by Electronic Arts in 1984. The game was ported to ZX Spectrum, Amstrad CPC, and Commodore 64, where it became a commercial hit.
Year: 1986 Genre: Simulation
apple 2 original game combat flight simulation science fiction simulation vehicular combat simulatorCastlevania is a side-scrolling platform game created and developed by Konami, centered on the Belmonts, a clan of vampire hunters, and their fight with Dracula. Initially released...
action-adventure brawler dark fantasy horror nes original game progressive beat-em-up side-scrolling vampiresDragon Quest, known as Dragon Warrior in the US, is a Japanese-style role-playing game created by Chunsoft for the NES and released in 1986. It's the first game of the famous Drago...
Year: 1986 Genre: Role Playing
fantasy jrpg rpg top-down turn-based rpgThe Pawn is a text adventure created by Magnetic Scrolls initially for the Sinclair QL and published by Sinclair Research in 1985. The game wasn't very successful and one year late...
adventure fantasy sinclair ql text adventure with pictures text parserThe Sentinel (The Sentry in the U.S.) is one of the first games of the famous designer and coder Geoff Crammond, the author of the Grand Prix series. Developed initially for the BB...
3d action strategy bbc micro first-person polygons puzzler real-time virtual worldSpindizzy is a puzzle arcade game released by Electric Dreams Software in 1986 for 8-bit platforms. The game was designed and programmed by Paul Shirley, who developed it for the A...
isometric puzzler rolling ball split-screenDeja Vu: A Nightmare Comes True is a point-and-click mystery game developed by ICOM Simulations and published by Mindscape. The title was released initially for the Apple Macintosh...
adventure clicker detective graphic adventure macintosh original game mystery north americaStarflight is one of the first sandbox space exploration role-playing and simulation games. It was developed by Binary Systems and published by Electronic Arts in 1986 for MS-DOS. ...
Year: 1986 Genre: Simulation
non-linear real-time science fiction simulation space exploration space flight