Dragon Power is a classic NES game released by Bandai in 1986 and developed by Tose. Originally based on the Japanese manga and anime series Dragon Ball, the game underwent signifi...
Year: 1986 Genre: Role Playing
action-adventure action-rpg anime jrpg licensed nes original game rpg top-downMarble Madness is an arcade created by Atari Games and published initially in 1984. You have to guide a rolling ball (a marble) down your path, viewed from an isometric perspective, avoiding obstacles and enemies.
2 players arcade coin-op conversion isometric rolling ballThe Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a text adventure by Infocom, based on the famous novel by Douglas Adams. The book, a comedy science fiction genre masterpiece, was written in 1979.
adventure freeware interactive fiction licensed novel science fiction text adventureTales of the Unknown: Volume I - The Bard’s Tale (or simply The Bard's Tale) is a role-playing game designed by Michael Cranford. It was developed by Interplay. Released initia...
Year: 1986 Genre: Role Playing
apple 2 original game dungeon crawler fantasy party-based rpg sword and sorcery turn-based rpgThe Chessmaster 2000 is the first title in the popular Chessmaster series created by The Software Toolworks. The game, developed initially for MS-DOS, was released in 1986 for PC, Amiga, Commodore 64, Apple II, Atari 8-bit, and MSX.
2 players board game chess isometric strategyStarflight is one of the first sandbox space exploration role-playing and simulation games. It was developed by Binary Systems and published by Electronic Arts in 1986 for MS-DOS. ...
Year: 1986 Genre: Simulation
non-linear real-time science fiction simulation space exploration space flightDefender of the Crown is a strategy game designed by Kellyn Beck and it's one of the first and most influential Amiga games. It was Cinemaware's first game, and was originally rele...
amiga original game europe fantasy historical battle history map-based historical medieval mythology robin hood strategy