Tin Toy Adventure in the House of Fun is a 2D platformer developed by Adrian Cumming and published by Mutation for the Amiga in 1996. Cumming, a former Core Design artist, and deve...
Year: 1996 Genre: Platformer
aga amiga original game cartoon fantasy parallax scrolling platformer side-scrollingJurassic Park is the video game adaptation of the Steven Spielberg film, developed and published by Ocean Software. It was released in 1993 for the Amiga and DOS. The game and the film were released the same year.
action-adventure aga history movies multi-type prehistoricTrolls is a cute platformer developed by Flair Software and released by Capstone Software in 1992 for the Amiga, Amiga CD32, Commodore 64 and MS-DOS. The game was based on the famo...
Year: 1992 Genre: Platformer
aga amiga cd32 jumper platformer1869 (also known as 1869: History Experience Part I) is a business/managerial simulation set during the golden age of clipper ships. It was created by the Austrian company Max Design and released in 1992 for Amiga and MS-DOS.
aga business simulation history hotseat management multiplayer naval sea trading strategy trading turn-based strategyFears is a 3d first-person shooter developed by Bomb Software exclusively for Amiga models with AGA chipset. Published by Manyk/Guildhall Leisure, it was released in 1995. Fears is...
2 players 3d aga amiga original game doom clone fps freeware science fiction shooter texture mapTransarctica (Arctic Baron in the US) is a strategy/action game created by Silmarils in 1993 for the Amiga. It was later ported to the PC, Atari ST, and Macintosh. The story is bas...
aga post-apocalyptic real-time science fiction strategy trading train transportAlien Breed 3D is the fourth game in the Alien Breed series and was developed by Team17. It was published by Team17 and Ocean in 1995 for the Amiga, both ECS and AGA models, including the Amiga CD32.
2 players 3d aga aliens amiga cd32 amiga original game fps science fiction shooter texture mapAlien Breed: Tower Assault is the third entry into the Alien Breed sci-fi shooter series and was developed and published by Team17 in 1994. It was released for the Amiga, Amiga CD32, and DOS.
2 players aga aliens amiga original game multi-scrolling shooter science fiction shooter top-down walkaboutBubble and Squeak is a platformer created by Audiogenic Software for Amiga computers and Amiga CD32 and released in 1994. The game was also ported to the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive, with some small differences.
Year: 1994 Genre: Platformer
aga amiga original game cartoon jumper multi-directional platformerCenter Court 2 is a tennis game created for Amiga with an AGA chipset by Gernot Fritsche in 1996-1997 but released only in 2016. The game, written in Blitz BASIC, was supposed to b...
aga amiga original game blitz basic freeware multiplayer sports tennisRoadkill is a violent racing sim with a top-down view created by Vision and released by Acid Software in 1994 for the Amiga CD32 and Amiga 1200. The game, written in blitz basic, a...
aga amiga cd32 amiga original game blitz basic multi-directional racing top-down vehicular combat simulatorIshar 3: The Seven Gates of Infinity is the last installment in the Ishar RPG series, and it was developed and published by Silmarils. It was released in 1994 for Amiga, Atari ST, and DOS.
Year: 1994 Genre: Role Playing
aga dungeon crawler fantasy first-person real-time rpg sword and sorcery