Dragon Power is a classic NES game released by Bandai in 1986 and developed by Tose. Originally based on the Japanese manga and anime series Dragon Ball, the game underwent signifi...
Year: 1986 Genre: Role Playing
action-adventure action-rpg anime jrpg licensed nes original game rpg top-downGunstar Heroes is a run and gun game developed by Treasure for the Genesis/Mega Drive and published by Sega in 1993. The side-scrolling shooter has become one of Sega Genesis's most beloved games.
2 players anime co-op genesis original game platform-shooter run and gun science fiction shooter side-scrollingThexder is a platform shooter videogame developed by Game Arts and released for DOS, Amiga, Apple II, MSX and several other platforms in 1987. You control a robot that can transform into a jet.
anime battlemech mecha platform-shooter run and gun science fiction shooterThunder Force IV is a horizontal scrolling shoot-em-up created by Technosoft for the SEGA Genesis/Mega Drive in 1992. For some strange reasons, it was renamed Lightening Force: Quest for the Darkstar in the U.
anime genesis original game science fiction shooter side-scrollingAkira is an action game developed by International Computer Entertainment and released in 1994 for the Amiga. It's based on the 1988 Akira film. Sadly, the game is one of the worst...
action-adventure anime movies multi-type post-apocalypticMega Man 3 is the third game of the popular side-scroller platformer created by Capcom. When you grow up playing video games, sooner or later, you learn that none of your favorite sagas are safe from the passage of time.
Year: 1992 Genre: Platformer
anime platformer science fiction side-scrollingSwitchblade II is an action platformer created by Gremlin Graphics (aka Gremlin Interactive) originally for the Amiga in 1991. It was then ported to Atari ST, Amstrad CPC, and Atari Lynx.
amiga original game anime basher brawler multi-directional platform-shooter run and gun