Lenny's Music Toons is an educational musical adventure developed and published by Paramount Interactive for Windows 3.1 and released in 1993. Interacting with Lenny the Penguin an...
adventure cartoon educational music windows3xBaby Jo in: Going Home is a side-scrolling platformer game developed and published by Loriciel for Amiga, Amstrad CPC, Atari ST, and MS-DOS in 1991. The game's plot follows the jou...
Year: 1991 Genre: Platformer
2d cartoon humour jumper platformer side-scrollingCosmic Spacehead is a platform adventure released in 1993 for Amiga, MS-DOS, Game Gear, Sega Master System, and Genesis/Mega Drive. It's a remake of the NES title Linus Spacehead's Cosmic Crusade.
Year: 1993 Genre: Platformer
action-adventure aliens cartoon platformer point and click puzzle platformerThe Jetsons: George Jetson and the Legend of Robotopia is an adventure game developed by The Dreamers Guild. It was published by MicroIllusions in 1989 for the Amiga. As you can im...
adventure cartoon hand-drawn animations interactive fiction licensed point and click science fiction space tv seriesTin Toy Adventure in the House of Fun is a 2D platformer developed by Adrian Cumming and published by Mutation for the Amiga in 1996. Cumming, a former Core Design artist, and deve...
Year: 1996 Genre: Platformer
aga amiga original game cartoon fantasy parallax scrolling platformer side-scrollingQuik the Thunder Rabbit is a cute platformer developed by Stywox and published by Titus in 1994 for Amiga, Amiga CD32, and MS-DOS. The game, inspired by Sonic the Hedgehog, featu...
Year: 1994 Genre: Platformer
aga cartoon jumper multi-directional platformerWrath of the Demon is a side-scrolling action adventure created by Abstrax and Readysoft in 1990 for the Amiga. Later it was ported to Atari ST, Commodore 64, and MS-DOS. The game ...
action-adventure amiga original game cartoon fantasy hack and slash parallax scrolling side-scrollingHoi is a cute platformer for Amiga created by Team Hoi and released in 1992. Our hero is a dinosaur who has to save his girlfriend. In the first level, he doesn't shoot; the only m...
Year: 1992 Genre: Platformer
cartoon dinosaurs multi-directional parallax scrolling platformer public domain puzzle platformerOne Step Beyond is the sequel to Pushover, a puzzle-platformer created by Red Rat Software and published by Ocean. It was released in 1993, one year after the first game. The main ...
advergames cartoon puzzle strategy puzzlerBrian the Lion is a platform game developed by Reflections and published by Psygnosis in 1994, initially for the Amiga CD32. It was also released for Amiga, including an AGA version.
Year: 1994 Genre: Platformer
aga amiga cd32 amiga original game basher cartoon jumper jungle multi-directional platformerWinnie the Pooh in the Hundred Acre Wood is an adventure game for kids created by Al Lowe. You probably know this name because he is associated with the famous Leisure Suit Larry ...
adventure apple 2 original game cartoon disney educational graphic adventure hand-drawn animations licensed