Puzzler video games have always been popular among gamers, challenging their minds with problem-solving activities.
Puzzler video games have always been popular among gamers, challenging their minds with problem-solving activities.
Spy vs. Spy II: The Island Caper is a game developed by Michael J. Riedel and published by First Star Software initially in 1985 for Commodore 64. It was ported to Apple II, Atari 8-bit, and MSX in 1986.
2 players action strategy comics competitive espionage licensed puzzler split-screen spy versusOne Step Beyond is the sequel to Pushover, a puzzle-platformer created by Red Rat Software and published by Ocean. It was released in 1993, one year after the first game. The main ...
advergames cartoon puzzle strategy puzzlerMind Walker is one of the first videogames ever created for the Amiga and one of the few titles published by Commodore. This 3D action/puzzle game was designed by Bill Williams and was published in 1986.
3d action strategy amiga original game maze polygons puzzle strategy puzzlerNew Year Lemmings 1991/1992 is a fanmade version of Lemmings, created by a developer called "Gaston^Splatt." The game was released on the public domain during the 1991-1992 Xmas holidays.
amiga original game fangames puzzlerHoliday Lemmings, also known as Xmas Lemmings 1993, is a holiday edition of the classic puzzle game created by DMA Design. It was published during the festive season in 1993. The g...
amiga original game christmas holidays puzzle strategy puzzlerThe Sentinel (The Sentry in the U.S.) is one of the first games of the famous designer and coder Geoff Crammond, the author of the Grand Prix series. Developed initially for the BB...
3d action strategy bbc micro first-person polygons puzzler real-time virtual worldAtomix is a puzzle game developed by Softouch Productions and released in 1990 for Amiga, Atari ST, DOS and Commodore 64.
amiga original game educational puzzle strategy puzzler sciencePipe Dream (a.k.a. Pipe Mania outside the US) is the pipe connecting puzzler designed by Akila Redmer and Stephan Butler. It was developed by Assembly Line in 1989 for the Amiga. I...
2 players falling block puzzle puzzle strategy puzzler real-timeShiftrix is a puzzle game developed by Software 2000 and released in 1991 for MS-DOS, Amiga, Atari ST, and Commodore 64. The gameplay mechanics in Shiftrix are somewhat similar to another puzzle game called Atomix.
puzzle strategy puzzlerThe Quest of Kwirk's Castle is a Puzzler game developed by JME Engineering and published by JME Engineering in 1991 for DOS.
puzzle strategy puzzlerPC-Sherlock: A Game of Logic & Deduction is a Puzzler game developed by Sanjay Kanade and published by Yestersoft in 1991 for DOS.
board game puzzle strategy puzzler